Are female dogs better than male dogs?

No, female dogs are not better than male dogs.  While there are some differences based on sex, far more important in deciding which dog will be best for you is the overall temperament of the breed, their energy level, how they’re trained, and how they’re socialized.

Whether you have a male or a female dog, neutering not only helps control the dog population but can also reduce unwanted behaviors that are typical of each sex.

Females will not try to run away in search of a mate when they come into oestrus.

For male dogs, neutering can avoid behaviors such as peeing to mark territory, or mounting and humping people, dogs, and even random objects.  Spaying and neutering also have a range of health benefits.

As dogs tend to co-exist more peacefully with others of the opposite sex if you’re thinking of having more than one dog- why not opt for one of each sex?