Brindle French Bulldog Guide: 5 Must-Read Facts

Brindle French Bulldog

The Brindle French Bulldog has unique and distinctive features. This is a small but very muscular breed of the bulldog. They are well known for their “bat” shaped ears and beautiful brindle pattern.

Also known as Frenchies, they don’t require much exercise. They are an ideal pet for owners who aren’t active. Nevertheless, as with all dogs, they will require regular daily exercise.

They have excellent temperaments and tend to get along well with other animals and humans. The ideal owner will lavish a lot of attention on this dog. They should expect to receive the same loving attention in kind.

Their unique brindle pattern is formed by light and dark stripes. This is attributed to an inherited recessive gene from both parents.

In general, French Bulldogs or “Frenchies” aren’t known for heavy barking. Nevertheless, they make excellent pets for those owners living in apartments because they are alert and highly intelligent.

Brindle French Bulldog

Brindle French Bulldog At A Glance

The Brindle French Bulldog is a loving, loyal, and adaptable dog. When you get to know them, you will understand why they regularly rank so high in popularity. Generally, they weigh less than 28 pounds.

With their small muscular bodies, French Bulldogs are categorized as a non-sporting dog. So don’t expect to run marathons with him or have long activity sessions in the park. 

They can also be expensive with prices ranging from $1500-3000. They will naturally be much cheaper if you can find one at an adoption center or shelter. The cost of adoption is usually the cost of the maintenance of the dog prior to adoption.

  • Popularity: This is a very popular dog. The American Kennel Club ranks this breed as the #4 most popular breeds out of 196 breeds.
  • Group: They belong to the Non-Sporting Group. This isn’t an active dog and they don’t require much exercise. They are most suitable for pet owners who mirror their exercise requirements.
  • Weight: This is essentially a miniature Bulldog. They generally weigh under 28 pounds.
  • Price: An average price for this breed is $1500-3000. Cheaper options may be found at animal shelters, where the cost amounts to the overall price of maintenance prior to adoption.
  • Personality: This is a very loving and playful dog. He has a very adaptable nature.

Similar Breeds

Boston Terrier
Border Terrier
Cairn Terrier
Lifespan11-13 years12-15 years13-15 years
Family FriendlyYesYesYes
SizeThey are 15-17 inches in height, and weigh 12-25 pounds.They are generally 12-15 inches in height. Males weigh 13-15.5 pounds, females weigh 11.5-14 pounds.Males average 10 inches in height and 14 pounds. Females are 9.5 inches in height and weigh 13 pounds.
ActivityVaries from slightly above average to minimal. Some dogs are okay with one or two walks a day. Others require more activity.Active. Requires at least 30 minutes of activity daily.Moderate levels of activity required.

Brindle French Bulldog Overview

Brindle French Bulldogs are considered low-maintenance. As an easy-going, good-natured dog, they are intelligent, adaptable, and easy to train. Grooming is easy because they don’t shed very much. This is a great dog for someone who wants to have close daily contact with his dog but doesn’t have the time or interest to engage in high-level daily exercise.

  • This is a very friendly, gentle, and lovable breed.

  • They are intelligent and fairly easy to train.

  • With adequate care, they can live 10-12 years.

  • With a short coat, they don’t shed very much.

  • For non-active dog owners, this dog doesn’t require high levels of daily activity. Nevertheless, as with ALL dogs they require some daily activity.
  • Frenchies may not be suitable for very active owners who will want a highly energetic dog. Active owners will likely prefer a pet that matches their activity levels.

  • Critical! French Bulldogs cannot swim. They must be kept away from the water.

  • They are sensitive to extensive sun exposure.

  • Health problems include possible breathing issues, eye, and skin issues, etc.
  • Be careful not to overfeed them since they have a tendency to overeat and put on weight. Be careful not to feed them too much human food. Keep human table scraps and treats to a minimum. Generally, 1 ½ -2 ½  cups a day of food each day is sufficient, over the course of two servings. Brindle French Bulldogs don’t require much physical activity. A short daily walk or outdoor activity will be sufficient.

    Since the Frenchie doesn’t shed very much, weekly brushing should be sufficient.

    History & Origin

    The origin of this breed is usually traced to their first appearance in British cities in the 18th Century, primarily in areas of lace production. When many of the lace-makers relocated to Northern France the dogs relocated with them. 

    They eventually became popular in the French countryside, where they were bred with other dogs which eventually led to the dog acquiring the unique features we see today. Their popularity eventually made its way to Paris, where they became a popular feature of the avant-garde society. 

    In the latter part of the 19th century, they eventually made their way to the United States, where they continued to enjoy popularity with the new populace. The American preference for the bat-shaped ears won out over the “rose-shaped”  ears, and this bat shape became the standard look of the breed.

    5 Fun Facts About Brindle French Bulldogs

    1. Despite their small size, they are said to make great watchdogs. Although they are not known for excessive barking, they are very alert and intelligent. This is an unexpected characteristic of such a small dog.

    2. The unique brindle color pattern that distinguishes this dog from other bulldogs is related to a recessive gene. This gene is inherited from both of the dog’s parents. 

    3. In the early 1900s, American enthusiasts of the breed advocated and prevailed in their preference for the bat-shaped ear over the rose shape. Today, the breed is recognized for its uniquely shaped bat ears.

    4. Their well-known nickname “Frenchie,” derives from their initial place of origin.

    5. The English denigrated the dog’s earlier French name, Boule-Dog Francais. 

    Temperament And Behavior

    Brindle French dogs are a very good-natured breed. They have a good disposition with other animals and humans. They love attention. They are generally known for being loyal and adaptable to different situations. Although they sometimes exhibit a stubborn streak, a proper training program will ensure a well-behaved dog.

    How Much Do They Cost?

    This is a fairly expensive dog for many people. The cost may be prohibitive for most prospective pet owners. But if you can afford it, they are excellent pets. A Brindle French Bulldog will average anywhere from $1,500-$3,000. Although this might be expensive, this is a great dog to own when you consider his easy temperament and low maintenance requirements. 

    Animal shelters and adoption centers will naturally be the cheaper option. The costs will usually amount to the total expense for maintaining the dog prior to his adoption. Make sure that the adoption center is sanitary and that it meets all professional standards.


    Brindle French Bulldog

    1. At a price ranging from $1500 to $3000, this is a fairly expensive dog to purchase. Nevertheless, there are a lot of desirable things about owning a Brindle French Bulldog. If your budget permits, this is a very loving and adaptable pet. He is very good with children of all ages.

    2. Make sure that your dog breeder provides you with all proper documentation including all appropriate medical documentation of tests and administered vaccinations. 

    Be wary of any breeder who is either unable or unwilling to provide you with all necessary documentation. A responsible breeder will be happy to provide you with all paperwork.

    3. This is not a dog that can be left unattended near water. Be careful to keep your French bulldog away from any body of water if there is no supervision. They are NOT water dogs and they will drown if they go in the water. 

    4. Frenchies may exhibit breathing problems, particularly when the weather is hot.

    5. Once a day make sure to take him for a walk or provide outdoor exercise. It is important to note that even if his exercise needs are minimal, all dogs require daily exercise.

    6. Though he does not have a tendency to bark a lot, he is a very smart and alert dog and he can make a great watchdog.


    Brindle French Bulldogs have small muscular builds with short brindle colored coats. Their unique bat-shaped ears sit atop a large square head. Their coat is short and smooth with skin folds, which are also found in the facial region.


    This is a very small but muscular bulldog. They average 11-13 inches in height and generally weigh under 28 pounds. Females will usually weigh from 16-24 pounds. Males average 20 to 28 pounds. 


    Their unique brindle coloring comes in the following shades: tiger brindle, black brindle and brindle and white. The color is associated with an inherited recessive gene from both of their parents.

    Care Guide

    Overall, this is an easy dog to own. He has an easy temperament, playful nature, and low daily exercise requirements. His grooming needs are minimal because he tends not to shed a lot. As such, once a week brushing should be sufficient to maintain the health of his coat.


    Brindle French Bulldogs have minimal exercise requirements. A daily walk or some form of outside activity should be sufficient. Be careful with this breed, since they have a tendency to exhibit difficulty breathing in warm/hot weather. Their short coats also render them vulnerable to sustained sun exposure.

    • Total Daily Activity: One daily session of outdoor exercise should be sufficient with this dog.
    • Activity Level: They require low levels of daily exercise.
    • Favorite Activity: A daily walk or outdoor play session usually will be sufficient.


    The Brindle French Bulldog’s grooming needs are minimal. Since this canine sheds infrequently, it will be enough to brush its coat once a week. As with all dogs, nails should be trimmed periodically. Long nails tend to splinter which will cause pain and discomfort. Furthermore, this will prevent your dog from walking and will likely lead to weight gain and other health problems.

    Teeth and ears should be regularly checked for signs of infection. Clean the ears carefully but make sure that you don’t damage the ear canal. Additionally, you will want to make sure that the ears are thoroughly dried to prevent ear infection which can occur due to excessive moisture. Occasional baths will be sufficient, and once a month should be sufficient. 

    Experts recommend that you use a quality shampoo to maintain the natural oil and overall health of its coat. Be sure to thoroughly dry your dog after his bath in order to prevent the buildup of moisture which can lead to infections.

    Don’t just look at grooming as a chore. Look at grooming as an opportunity to check your dog for medical issues. It is important to develop good grooming habits early on. Try to use these grooming sessions as a time to bond with your dog, and to acclimate him to the routine.

    Be sure to regularly check for signs/symptoms of infection, ailments, or other medical conditions. Always check for sore spots, lesions, on the skin and coat, redness, inflammation, or discharge from the eyes, ears, and nostrils. Check for aberrations with the dog’s genitals. You should check to see that there are no structural abnormalities. Observe if there are any problems with gait. 

    If you are uncomfortable attending to his grooming needs and your budget permits it, you may want to consider hiring a professional to attend to his grooming needs.


    As a small dog, the French Bulldog doesn’t require excessive amounts of food. If you want to enjoy many years with your dog, feed only what is best for its body. The importance of diet for overall health cannot be overstated. 

    Not only is the quality of the food important, as an owner you need to be aware of the food requirements during the various stages in your dog’s life. What is appropriate for a puppy is not suitable for a full-grown dog. There are several excellent commercial brands on the market that can provide all of their nutritional requirements.

    A Brindle French Bulldog needs a well-balanced diet with all the essential nutrients for proper nutrition. These can be found with commercial brands, but with proper research, you can learn to prepare nutritious food yourself. Speak to your veterinarian to find out more about your dog’s dietary needs, and to learn about the necessary ingredients to look for in commercial brands. Make sure to provide sufficient amounts of daily clean water.

    Treats should be distributed infrequently. Too many treats will lead to weight gain which can lead to other health issues. Try not to share human food with him too frequently. This too will add to unnecessary weight gain.

    Health Concerns

    As with most dogs, there are certain health issues associated with this breed that you will want to monitor. These include the following:

    • Hip Dysplasia: This medical condition occurs when the dog’s femur isn’t properly attached to the pelvic socket.  Over time, this will likely lead to considerable pain, which may be the earliest indication of the dog’s degenerative condition. The inflammation can ultimately lead to your dog developing a limp and in certain cases eventual lameness.

    Medical options include surgical and non-invasive alternatives. Initial attempts to treat this will limit the level of physical activity to alleviate the condition. If non-anti-inflammatory treatments are unsuccessful, then surgical hip displacement may be a final option if non-invasive measures fail.

    • Patellar Luxation: In this condition, trauma or deformity of the ridges of the patellar groove will cause the patella to slip out. 
    • Brachycephalic Syndrome: In this condition, the dog is susceptible to labored breathing. There are various treatments available depending on the severity. Dogs with short heads are more susceptible to this condition.
    • Hemivertebrae: This condition manifests as a malformation of the vertebrae. It can lead to pain and possible paralysis. Much of it depends on the location of the abnormality.

    Additional health issues include various eye and ear issues, as well as autoimmune issues. Brindle French Bulldogs have a tendency to exhibit difficulty breathing in the hot weather. 

    If you use a breeder make sure that the breeder shows you documentation to confirm that all proper screening tests were taken. Some of these tests include the following as recommended by the National Breed Club:

    • Patella Evaluation
    • Cardiac Exam
    • Hip Evaluation
    • Ophthalmologist Evaluation

    Some experts note that dogs with flat faces have a tendency to exhibit sensitivity with anesthesia. This is unimportant to note if your dog undergoes any medical procedure that requires him to be asleep. 

    Additionally, their short skin renders them susceptible to sunburn after sun exposure.

    In order to maintain your Frenchie’s overall health, make sure to schedule regular visits to the veterinarian for check-ups, tests, and vaccinations. Speak to your vet about your dog’s dietary needs to ensure that you are providing him with all of his nutritional requirements.

    How Long Do They Live?

    With the proper care, Brindle French Bulldogs will live 10-12 years. This of course will depend on several other factors which include providing your dog with adequate nutrition, exercise, and proper medical care. If you make sure to stick with a disciplined regimen of proper nutrition, activity, and medical care, you will do much to ensure that your pet has a long and healthy life.

    How To Train A Brindle French Bulldogs Mix

    Brindle French Bulldog

    This is a very intelligent dog. If you provide a fair, consistent, and fun training regimen, training should not be a problem with him. The American Kennel Club recommends that you use professional training since Frenchies can exhibit a stubborn streak. 

    The important thing is to give them a good framework to develop critical socialization and obedience skills. Positive reinforcement and rewards can be very helpful in any successful training program.

    The challenge of any adequate training program is to provide a fun regimen that is consistent but allows enough flexibility to keep your dog’s interest.

    Some experts recommend crate training when they are very young. This will minimize damage to your belongings and protect your dog. Puppies of any breed have a tendency to explore and chew things and you will want to ensure a safe environment.


    We enjoyed learning about the Brindle French Bulldog. We hope that we have provided you with enough adequate information to determine if this is the proper dog for you. 

    There is a lot to love about this adorable and playful dog. The key feature is that this canine is low maintenance as far as grooming and exercise needs. They exhibit minimal shedding, and once a week brushing will usually be sufficient. 

    They have excellent temperaments. Frenchies get along very well with animals and people, including small children. Nevertheless, you will want to monitor very small children around any dog. 

    They are loyal and intelligent. They don’t require a lot of exercise. Once a day of minimal physical activity is generally sufficient. They are the perfect pet for those owners who aren’t heavily active. 

    Brindle French Bulldogs have small muscular builds. They are known for their beautiful brindle patterns formed by light and dark stripes, which are attributed to a recessive gene. They are equally well known for their unique and distinct “bat” shaped ears. “Frenchies” aren’t known for their heavy barking but their alertness and intelligence makes them excellent watchdogs. 

    If you are willing to lavish love and attention on this adorable little dog, he will show you affection and loyalty in return. We highly recommend the Brindle French Bulldog as a family pet. With proper care, he will provide you with many years of companionship.

    About John Woods 299 Articles
    John Woods is the founder of All Things Dogs, member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers, graduate in Animal Behavior & Welfare and recognized author by the Dog Writers Association of America.

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