Can Dogs Eat Cheese? Here’s What You Need to Know

Assortment of different cheese types on wooden background. Cheese background.

Can dogs eat cheese? It’s a common question for dog owners and enthusiasts alike, as it is important to know what kinds of foods are suitable for our furry friends. Cheese can be an excellent source of nutrition if given in moderation, but there may also be potential health risks associated with feeding your pup this dairy product. In this blog post, we will discuss the nutritional value of cheese for dogs, types that are suitable to feed them, serving suggestions on how to incorporate it into their diet safely and possible health concerns when giving too much cheese. So whether you’re wondering “can dogs eat cheese?” or just want some advice about feeding your pooch properly – read on.

Table of Contents:

Nutritional Value of Cheese for Dogs

Cheese is a high-protein food that can provide essential nutrients to dogs. It contains protein, calcium, and fat which are all important for maintaining a healthy diet.

Protein Content:

Cheese is an excellent source of protein for dogs. Protein helps build muscle mass and maintain strong bones and teeth. The amount of protein in cheese varies depending on the type of cheese, but it typically ranges from 7-25 grams per 100 grams of cheese. Cottage cheese has the highest amount of protein with 25 grams per 100 grams while cream cheese has the lowest at 7 grams per 100g.

Calcium Content:

Cheese also provides calcium which is necessary for bone health in dogs as well as other bodily functions such as blood clotting and nerve transmission. Calcium content varies by type but generally ranges from 120-250 milligrams per 100g serving size. Parmesan has the highest calcium content with 250mg/100g while ricotta has the lowest at 120mg/100g serving size.

Fat Content:

Lastly, some types of cheeses contain higher amounts of fat than others due to their ingredients or production methods used during manufacturing process . Fat helps keep your dog’s coat shiny and skin healthy; however too much fat can lead to weight gain so it should be fed in moderation according to your vet’s recommendation . Generally speaking, feta contains more fat than most other cheeses with 16 g/100g whereas cottage cheese only contains 3 g/100g .

Overall, feeding your dog small amounts of certain types of cheeses can provide them with essential nutrients like protein, calcium, and fats without overloading them on calories or unhealthy additives found in processed foods. As always, it is highly recommended to consult your veterinarian before introducing any new food into your pet’s diet.

Cheese can be a great source of protein, calcium and fat for dogs when given in moderation. However, different types of cheese should be chosen carefully to ensure the best nutrition for your pup.

Key Takeaway: Cheese can provide essential nutrients to dogs, such as protein, calcium and fat. However, it should be fed in moderation according to your vet’s recommendation. List: Protein, Calcium, Fat.

Types of Cheese Suitable for Dogs

Low-Fat Cheeses:

Low-fat cheeses are a great option for dogs, as they provide the same nutritional benefits of regular cheese without the added fat. Examples include cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, and cream cheese. These types of cheeses are low in calories and can be used to add flavor to meals or snacks. When feeding your dog low-fat cheeses, it is important to keep portion sizes small so that your pet does not consume too much fat or salt.

Soft Cheeses:

Soft cheeses such as feta, brie, blue cheese and goat’s milk cheeses can also be given to dogs in moderation. These types of cheeses have a creamy texture and strong flavor which many dogs enjoy eating. However, due to their high salt content they should only be fed occasionally as treats rather than part of a regular diet. It is important to check the label before purchasing soft cheeses for your pet as some may contain additional ingredients that could potentially cause an allergic reaction or digestive upset if consumed by pets with sensitive stomachs.

Hard cheeses such as cheddar and Swiss are safe for dogs but should still be given sparingly due to their higher fat content compared with other types of cheese. As long as these hard cheeses are served in small amounts they can make a tasty snack for your pup while providing them with essential nutrients like calcium and protein which help maintain healthy bones and muscles respectively. Additionally, these harder varieties tend to last longer when stored properly making them ideal for those who want something more durable than softer options like cottage or cream cheese when preparing meals ahead of time for their furry friend.

Cheese can be a tasty and nutritious treat for your dog, as long as you choose the right type. Now that we know what types of cheese are safe for dogs to eat, let’s look at how much and how often they should have it.

Key Takeaway: Dogs can eat cheese, but it should be done in moderation. Low-fat cheeses such as cottage and ricotta are a good option for everyday snacking, while soft cheeses like feta and brie should only be given occasionally due to their high salt content. Hard cheeses such as cheddar and Swiss can also be given in small amounts for an occasional treat.

Serving Suggestions for Cheese and Dogs

When it comes to feeding cheese to your dog, the amount and frequency of how often you do so should be carefully considered. Cheese can provide a great source of protein, calcium, and fat for dogs when fed in moderation. However, overfeeding cheese can lead to health issues such as obesity or digestive problems.

Amounts to Feed Your Dog

The amount of cheese that you feed your dog will depend on their size and activity level. For smaller breeds or less active dogs, 1-2 tablespoons per day is usually enough; while larger breeds may need up to 4 tablespoons per day depending on their activity level. It’s important not to exceed these amounts as too much cheese can cause weight gain or other health issues in some dogs. Additionally, if you are unsure about how much cheese is appropriate for your pet’s size and lifestyle then consult with your veterinarian before making any changes in diet.

Frequency of Feeding Cheese To Your Dog

Cheese should only be given occasionally as a treat rather than an everyday food item due to its high fat content which could lead to weight gain if consumed too frequently by certain types of dogs. As a general rule of thumb, it’s best not give more than one serving (1-4 tablespoons) per week unless otherwise recommended by your vet based on the individual needs of your pet. If giving multiple servings throughout the week make sure they are spaced out evenly so that there isn’t an excessive build up within their system from consuming too much at once which could cause digestive upset or other health concerns in the future.

It is important to consider the amount and frequency of cheese you feed your dog, as it can have a significant impact on their health. To better understand potential risks associated with feeding cheese to dogs, let’s look at some potential health risks that may come from consuming too much cheese.

Key Takeaway: Feeding cheese to your dog should be done in moderation and spaced out over the week. Smaller breeds may need 1-2 tablespoons per day, while larger breeds can have up to 4 tablespoons per day depending on their activity level. Consult with your veterinarian for specific dietary advice for your pet.

Potential Health Risks of Feeding Cheese to Dogs

Lactose Intolerance in Dogs:

Many dogs are lactose intolerant, meaning they cannot digest the sugar found in dairy products like cheese. Symptoms of lactose intolerance can include vomiting, diarrhea, and gas. If your dog is exhibiting any of these symptoms after eating cheese, it may be best to avoid feeding them cheese altogether or consult with a veterinarian for advice on how much and what type of cheese is safe for your pet.

Weight Gain from Eating Too Much Cheese:

Cheese contains high levels of fat and calories which can lead to weight gain if fed too often or in large amounts. To prevent this from happening, feed small amounts of low-fat cheeses such as cottage cheese or mozzarella that are specifically designed for dogs. Additionally, keep an eye on portion sizes when giving treats such as cubes of cheddar or string cheese to ensure you’re not overfeeding your pup.

Feeding too much cheese can cause gastrointestinal issues such as constipation due to its high fat content and lack of fiber. To reduce the risk of constipation, try mixing small amounts into wet food rather than feeding it alone so that your dog gets some additional nutrients along with their treat. Additionally, make sure you provide plenty of fresh water throughout the day to help keep things moving along smoothly inside their digestive system.

FAQs in Relation to Can Dogs Eat Cheese

What kind of cheese can dogs eat?

Dogs can eat certain types of cheese in moderation. Cheeses that are safe for dogs include cottage cheese, cream cheese, and plain yogurt. However, it is important to note that some cheeses may contain ingredients that are not safe for dogs such as garlic or onion powder. Additionally, many cheeses have a high fat content which can cause digestive upset in some dogs. Therefore, it is best to avoid giving your dog any type of processed cheese product like American or cheddar cheese unless specifically recommended by your veterinarian.

How much cheese can a dog eat?

The amount of cheese a dog can eat depends on the size and breed of the dog, as well as its age. Generally speaking, small dogs should not consume more than one ounce of cheese per day while larger breeds may be able to tolerate up to four ounces. Cheese is high in fat and salt content so it should always be given in moderation. Puppies under six months old should avoid eating any type of cheese altogether due to their delicate digestive systems. Additionally, some dogs may have an intolerance or allergy to dairy products so it’s important to monitor your pet for any adverse reactions when introducing new foods into their diet.

Will cheese hurt a dog’s stomach?

No, cheese will not hurt a dog’s stomach. Generally speaking, most dogs can tolerate cheese in moderation as part of their diet. Cheese is an excellent source of protein and calcium for dogs and can even help to settle an upset stomach. However, it should be noted that some dogs may have difficulty digesting dairy products due to lactose intolerance or other digestive issues. If your dog experiences any gastrointestinal distress after eating cheese, consult with your veterinarian for advice on the best dietary options for your pet.

Is Cheddar cheese OK for dogs?

No, cheddar cheese is not recommended for dogs. It can be difficult for them to digest and may cause an upset stomach or diarrhea. Additionally, it contains a high amount of fat which can lead to pancreatitis in some cases. Cheese also contains lactose which many dogs are unable to process properly, leading to further digestive issues. For these reasons, it’s best to avoid giving your dog cheddar cheese as part of their diet.


In conclusion, cheese can be a nutritious and delicious treat for dogs when given in moderation. Cheese is an excellent source of protein, calcium, and other essential vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to your dog’s health. However, it is important to remember that not all types of cheese are suitable for dogs; some cheeses may contain high levels of fat or salt which could lead to digestive issues or other health risks if consumed in large quantities. When choosing the right type of cheese for your pup, always consult with your veterinarian first before feeding them any new food item. By following these guidelines you can ensure that your furry friend enjoys the occasional snack without compromising their overall health – so yes, dogs can eat cheese.

Do you have a dog or are considering getting one? If so, it’s important to know what foods your pup can and cannot eat. Cheese is a popular food for humans, but can dogs eat cheese safely? This project will explore the benefits and risks of feeding cheese to dogs, as well as provide tips on how to make sure that whatever type of cheese you give your pet is safe for them. With this information in hand, owners can confidently decide if adding some cheesy goodness into their pup’s diet is right for them!

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