The puggle is a type of beagle that is a loving, social and affectionate dog, which is quickly becoming one of the most popular dog crosses in the US.
Intelligent, enthusiastic and curious; this dog is a cross breed with Pug and Beagle parents.
They possess irresistible charm and wonderful personalities making them a rightfully popular breed with friends everywhere they go!
Their sociable nature and compatibility with kids, and other family pets, make them a great companion.
In this article we take a look at everything you need to know about this action-packed pug beagle cross breed including; temperament, lifespan, history and origins, care requirements and health considerations.
Breed Type | Mixes and More |
Purpose | Designer Dog |
Suitable For | Sociable dog compatible with children; making the pug beagle cross a great family addition. |
Size | 13 to 15” (male) and 10 to 13” (female) |
Weight | 20 to 30 pounds (male) or 20 to 25 pounds (female) |
Lifespan | 10 to 15 years |
Color Variations | A coat is typically: Tan, Fawn or Rich Brown |
Temperament | Curious, independent, excitable and fearless |
Daily Exercise | Medium – They will show sporadic activity in short and intense bursts |
Activity Levels | Medium – Require 40 minutes of exercise each day |
Daily Food Consumption | Between 500 and 700 calories each day |
Known Health issues | Pinched nostrils, noisy breathing, cherry eye, ear infections and hip dysplasia |
Puggle Info
When a puppy’s mother is a Beagle and father is a Pug you have a puppy Puggle!
This dog is a crossbreed between male Pug and female Beagle dog breeds.
The mother must always be a Beagle, and father a Pug, due to the known health complications of a larger male dog mating with a smaller female.
A typical litter will have anywhere from three to seven puppies, with five being typical, and will cost upwards of $400.
Beagle Pug Mix History
The dog was first officially bred, named and registered by Wallace Havens from Wisconsin in the 1990s creating the Beagle and Pug mix.
Cross breeding purebred dogs has been used for centuries to try and take positive nature and characteristics from a purebred and remove unwanted variation or genetic defects.
The goal of Havens was to create a Beagle-Pug mix which kept the best characteristics of each breed and removed some of the health problems associate with Pugs.
Positive and negative breed characteristics of Pugs and Beagles
Intelligence and the Short shiny coat from the Beagle | A Pug’s short snout causing Stenotic Nares |
Stocky thicket body, Furrowed face and the Screw tail from the Pug | A Beagle’s tendency to wander |
The best scenario for this breed is the Pug’s loving nature with the Beagle’s longer snout.
Since the 1990s, the breed has grown immensely in popularity to become one of the most popular crossbreeds in the US from 2004-2010; peaking in 2005 with celebrity owners such as Sylvester Stallone and Kelly Osborne.
Their rise to popularity is due to its beautiful appearance, fun loving character and social nature.
As more breeders emerge they have worked to try and create a standard appearance and temperament.
Some puppies are back bred with a Pug which creates the Pug-Puggle variation; thus, inheriting mostly Pug characteristics and features.
They are a beagle-pug mix! Not a Pug-Puggle.
Puggle Personality and Temperament
They are typically first generation breeding between Beagle and Pug.
A Puggle is an affectionate, very playful and energetic dog.
This dog will get along exceptionally well with children, other dogs and household pets; making them great for getting into a routine family life!
Their intelligence leads them to constantly be in need of attention; making them ideal family pets.
Pug Beagle Cross’ will very quickly become the household’s most favorite pet becoming a playful and loving companion.
This dog is known as a “snuggler” due to their constant closeness and love for falling asleep touching another person.
Like their Beagle mother, they are a very intelligent dog. With this intelligence sometimes comes stubbornness.
They have an ability to socialize, due to their intelligence, however they will require frequent positive enforcement training from a young age.
Be aware – Starving a Beagle Pug Hybrid of attention will result in mischievousness behavior and chewed furniture! Whilst their mischievousness and notorious antics can be funny. They quickly become bored and lonely they don’t receive frequent attention.
With all of the positive characteristics, there come some unwanted behavioral problems;
- Barking
- Howling
- Whimpering
- Wandering (see walking/training section below)
- General Stubbornness
The barking comes from their Pug lineage whilst howling and stubbornness are homesteads of the Beagle’s hunting breed.
They typically howl, more than it barks, especially whilst being left alone; remember their need for attention?!
Your dog will typically only show behavioral problems whilst bored or attention starved and rarely show aggression and whilst their bark suggests they would make a good guard dog; they do not!
How to Care for a Puggle
They are most definitely an indoor dog.
A dog which must be given love, attention and is certainly not shy.
Food and Diet Requirements
The pug-beagle crossbreed loves to eat whenever, wherever, whatever!
Unfortunately, a Puggle has an appetite well beyond a natural balance and will easily eat itself overweight, unfit and unhealthy.
You should be very cautious about overfeeding your dog.
How much a dog should eat is dependent upon many factors; age, weight, metabolism and activity levels. Additionally, choosing the best dog food for your Pug Beagle mix is crucial to ensure they receive the proper nutrition to maintain their health and well-being.
Remember dogs are just like humans; individual!
An owner is always the best person to advise on how much their dog should eat; providing they have basic nutritional knowledge of food.
Ideally you will want to feed your Beagle Pug Hybrid between 500-700 calories once matured.
How much does a puggle eat?
How many calories your dog requires each day
Male | 1,400 calories | 700 calories |
Female | 1,100 calories | 500 calories |
These calories should balance between carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
Small adjustments should be made to your dog’s diet if they are gaining or losing weight.
So, the question is then, what should you feed your new puppy?
A good quality dry dog food only.
Ideally, serve a smaller serving size of one cup of dry dog food twice per day for a mature dog.
Number of cups to feed your Puggle each day
Male | 5 cups per day | 2 cups per day |
Female | 4 cups per day | 1.5 cups per day |
To accurately calculate your dog’s required calories use this healthy weight maintenance for puppies and dogs.
Always consult your vet if you have specific questions on your dog’s diet.
A Pug Beagle Mix Exercise Requirements
They are a hugely active dog.
Their activity happens in short “puppy-like” bursts rather than long active periods. This energy comes from a Beagle.
There is a difference between energetic and active dogs.
An energetic dog (e.g. Weimaraner) requires huge amounts of walking and exercise, whereas an active dog requires physical and mental exercise. Luckily, not as much physical exercise as an energetic dog!
He should be walked twice a day for between 15 to 20 minutes.
It’s important to keep your dog on a leash during walks.
As their Beagle mothers are hunting hounds; she will have an unwanted tendency to lose focus and ignore commands by following their nose whilst out in public on walks; especially if it’s an interesting scent like another dog!
You can substitute one of these daily walks for a 10-minute dog exercise session during adolescence to help train and exercise your puppy!
Make sure he does not reach a state of exhaustion.
As Puggle’s occasionally suffer with breathing problems (see health section below) it’s important you control their physical activity; especially strenuous physical activity.
Training Requirements
Training an intelligent dog can sometimes be a challenge, especially for new dog owners.
As your dog will constantly be in a state of motion (i.e. playing, chasing or running) they have a perception of being very difficult to train.
However, as an intelligent mix, they are moderately easy to train.
Here are some puppy training tips for your pug beagle mix:
- Positive Reinforcement (e.g. play and treats)
- Persistence
- Patience
- Early socialization with other dogs
Whilst training can be difficult, if an owner shows patience and uses bond-based training, which is reinforced positively, you will have yourself an A+ Puppy!
Their high intelligence level means they learn faster and can learn far more than a typical dog.
Luckily, if you train your dog from an early age, ideally 8 weeks, you have a very intelligent and loyal dog who will become very well adjusted to family life.
As he will be intelligent make sure the training sessions are interesting and rewarding.
The best reward for a Pug Beagle Hybrid is a small snack; due to their love for food (read more in the food section below).
During training make sure you groom your pup too.
This creates a bond whilst also allowing your pet to become familiar with the process.
An untrained dog will be hugely stubborn, disobedient and mischievous.
Socializing Requirements
She should be socialized early. Very early.
Socializing your puppy is a very easy task due to their natural intelligence, curiosity and social nature.
Socializing should start at home, with children, other pets, sounds and by encountering lots of new things.
Exposing your dog to many different sights, sounds, and experiences is a good thing.
This helps to prevent your dog from becoming timid.
Once ready for the outside world, dog socializing and obedience classes are a great way to help your canine learn some basic manners.
Grooming Requirements
The Pug Beagle Cross breed is a low maintenance easy-to-groom dog.
Both the Pug and Beagle have a short-haired coat that is low maintenance, consequently, your dog will too.
Grooming him should be a regular part of caring for them whilst also enabling you to build a bond with your Puppy:
- Brushing
- Teeth Cleaning
- Nail Cutting
- Ears Cleaned
Brushing your dog forms an essential part of a healthy dog grooming routine.
Very occasional trimming or shaping will be required; however, bi-weekly brushing is recommended to reduce hair shed for your pooch as both its parents shed hair.
Whilst he will be short haired, he will shed!
You should spend five minutes, twice a week, brushing your dog’s coat with a soft-bristle brush. This removes dead or loose hair, prevents skin or pest conditions and prevents matting.
Brushing also evenly distributes a dog’s natural skin oils over their skin and fur giving the Puggle their famous shiny coat!
It’s also a good idea to add in some health checks and maintenance during your brushing routine:
- Brush their teeth to prevent tooth decay and gum disease.
- Check their eyes to ensure they are free of dirt or discharge.
Make sure you don’t bath your pup too frequently; ideally you should bath your dog once every couple of months.
During bathing make sure to check the folds in your dog’s furrowed face. Wash between them to remove dirt and bacteria which helps to avoid infection.
Breed Appearance: Coat and Color
A Puggle is a very distinctive and famous cross breed with a pug and beagle mix.
The Pug Beagle Crossbreed isn’t a purebred, there isn’t as much consistency for a recognized breed standard.
Because of this no major kennel club (e.g. American Kennel Club or Canadian Kennel Club) recognize the breed as a registered breed as it isn’t a purebred with pedigree.
However, a typical example will have short legs, a stocky thicket body with large eyes and a black muzzle with a screw tail.
The ears, long body and longer muzzle from the famous Puggle appearance come from their Beagle mother, whilst their furrowed face, short legs, cost, large infant eyes and screw tail come from their Pug father. Additionally, some Puggles may inherit traits from both parents, such as the distinctive coat color of the Black Pug, which adds a touch of uniqueness to their appearance.
Visually similar to a miniature Mastiff, their coat color is typically:
- Tan
- Fawn
- Rich Brown
Their coat sometimes has minor white or black markings and a black face mask from their Pug father.
They have a double coat which is always short and straight with a smooth and shiny finish. The shiny finish is due to the slightly longer topcoat covering the shorter and dense undercoat.
This dog’s fur should not be wavy or curly.
They not a Hypoallergenic dog as it sheds its coat frequently producing lots of dander.
Dog Dander is microscopic flecks of skin shed by dogs which often cause reactions in people who are allergic to triggers.
Known Health Problems
Puggles in general are a healthy and happy cross breed.
Like any Dog, they are prone to hereditary health issues.
Unfortunately, their lineage has Pug; which is notorious for respiratory problems due to their short snout.
Luckily, this dog is less inclined to suffer from the same respiratory issues, due to inheriting a longer snout from their Beagle mother.
However, some dogs have been found to suffer from pinched nostrils (i.e. stenotic nares).
Consequently, this causes noisy breathing, snoring and snorting, and on occasion respiratory problems such as breathing during and after strenuous exercise.
In comparison to a Pug, the Beagle, is a very robust and healthy dog suffering from very few breed specific illnesses or diseases.
They are predisposed to cherry eye and eye infections because of a Pug’s large infant like eyes.
This breed have famously floppy ears, consequently, they are prone to frequent ear infections, you should clean their ears weekly to mitigate infection.
There are also common health issues, agnostic to Pug and Beagle breeds, such as hip dysplasia and epilepsy.
You should make sure you purchase your puppy from a reputable breeder; where dogs are bred post full-maturity, not overbred, and follow a robust vaccination schedule covering Rabies and other known diseases.
So, what do you think of a Puggle then?!
Combined with their high levels of intelligence and curiosity this unique beagle pug cross breed has lots to offer!
Do you have one?
Please feel free to share your experiences of this unique breed with us and our readers in the comments below.
Well my girl had one of these when we got together…That was 3 plus years ago i will say that i was not much of a dog guy.This is the best dog i could have ever imagined.He is AWESOME loves to sing play and go for rides.Has the best personality loves my flame point Siamese kitty like a brother.
I have a 3 yr old Puggle Bulldog who I’ve had since she was 8 weeks old. She was like a terrible 2-year-old when she was a puppy–very high energy but super loving. It was not too difficult to house train her. I think the biggest cons are their stubbornness. Even though they are extremely food motivated, sometimes they will just do what they want. It can be frustrating but I’ve noticed that responding negatively does NOT work. Puggles are all about love and the more you can love them and be patient, the better companion and dog they will be 🙂
I have had my puggle for about a year now and I love her so much! Definitely a loyal and loving companion that is both cute and smart. However, she does make loud noises while breathing/sleeping and mine has a tendency to run away if given the chance. She is a very snuggly, affectionate dog that will burrow into you and sit on your lap. Very social and friendly with other dogs and people too. I would definitely recommend this breed for anyone looking for a loyal best friend that will never leave your side. Unless there is food of course.
I have had two puggles and love them both. Each had their own personality. They can be just as mischievous as they are cute but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
We have a puggle (Winston), he is the light of our lives. He’s stubborn, loves to eat, cuddle and just the cutest baby boy around, we got Winny from a friend when he was very young (a few months old), he is 7 years old now and still has the energy of a puppy. We love him sooo much!
I adopted my dog and wasn’t sure what he was until a Vet Tech said he was a Puggle. He is the most loving but most stubborn pup I have ever had. LOVE this breed.
Our puggle is the poster dog for everything this breed can be. She is very naughty (looked like a frat party in my living room after leaving her for a bit). She is the cutest thing and always falls asleep with her head on someone’s neck.
Mimi is our 10 year old black Puggle and the love of our lives! Everybody knows her at the park and she is so friendly. When we go visiting, they always know Mimi will be with us and welcome her with open arms. She’s healthy but a little overweight and despite that she still plays like a puppy. She’s had two ccl surgeries on both her knees four years apart but now she’s pain free and a lot happier! All dog lovers should have a Puggle, they are loyal, loving and so cute!!
Our puggle, Baxter, turned 16 today! He has been the most loyal and lovable pet we could have hoped for! He has always had a ROBUST appetite, thus tends to be overweight, but we have restricted his food intake as he has gotten older. He does have hip problems and the anti-inflammatory gave him digestive issues. We highly recommend the breed, though! He is just the sweetest!
I love puggles so much. My puggle (Ginger) is 15 1/2 now and doing great! I hope she makes it to 16 like yours. I think they are a pretty healthy breed. Ginger is obsessed with food like everyone says. But we keep her at a good weight. She makes us laugh and is so loving.