Lemon Beagle: Unveiling the Charm of a Citrus-Colored Canine

Lemon Beagle Dog

Let me introduce you to a special friend of mine, the Lemon Beagle. Just like the classic Beagle that we all adore, this little guy packs all the charm and playfulness you’d expect. But what sets him apart is his stunning coat—a vibrant mix of tan and yellow that’s as refreshing as a sunny day.

The Lemon Beagle’s unique coloration isn’t just a treat for the eyes; it’s a conversation starter that’s been winning over hearts far and wide. As a proud parent to two Labradors, I’ve always had a soft spot for dogs with distinctive looks, and the Lemon Beagle is no exception. There’s something truly captivating about that two-toned coat that dog lovers around the world can’t seem to get enough of.

Lemon Beagle Quick Breed Summary

Other NamesLemon Drop Beagle, Blonde Beagle, or Lemon White Beagle
Weight20 to 24 pounds
Height13 to 16 inches
Price$500 – $1,200
Life Span12 to 15 years
ColorWhite and tan-yellow or lemon
Coat TypeShort, straight, dense, double-layered
PersonalityFriendly, playful, loyal, vocal
Shedding TendencyMinimal
Barking TendencyHowls instead of barks
Maintenance NeedsModerate


What Is a Lemon Beagle?

The Lemon Beagle, distinguished by its striking white and lemon coat, is a rarity in the Beagle family. This unique color variation does not differ in personality or ability from its Beagle brethren; it simply sports a different, eye-catching hue.

Beagle Beginnings in England

Tracing the lineage of the Beagle leads us to England, where these dogs were initially bred as pack hunters. Their primary role was to hunt wild rabbits and track deer, leveraging their exceptional scenting abilities. The Beagle’s ancestors were prized for their hunting prowess and quickly became indispensable companions to hunters.

A Hunter’s Favorite

The Beagle’s smaller stature made them particularly appealing. Hunters could easily keep pace with these nimble hounds on foot, making them preferred over larger pack-hounds. Their size, coupled with their loving personality, cemented the Beagle’s status as a hunter’s best friend.

Journey to America

Post-Civil War, the Beagle breed found its way to the United States, where their popularity among hunters soared. The Beagle’s good-natured temperament and unmatched scenting skills made them highly sought after.

Recognition and Beyond

In 1885, the American Kennel Club officially recognized the Beagle, with a dog named Blunder being the first of the breed to be registered. The Beagle’s adaptability saw it transition from a hunter’s companion to a versatile working dog. They are notably part of the “Beagle Brigade” in the United States Department of Agriculture, showcasing their prowess in detection.

A Darker Chapter

However, the Beagle’s rise in popularity had its downsides. Their friendly demeanor and size made them the most utilized breed in animal testing. This aspect of their history is a stark reminder of the complex relationship between humans and dogs, underscoring the importance of ethical treatment and responsible breeding practices.

Why I Love Lemon Beagles

  • This loveable dog is renowned for their friendly, happy, gentle, and well-natured character.
  • They use howling as a form of communication.
  • Keeping and caring for a Lemon Beagle is a very easy task. They don’t require much grooming or exercise and make great family dogs when socialized correctly.
  • They are very rare as the lemon color variation is due to a recessive mutation.
  • This breed is famous for their long droopy and rounded ears which help give them the typical hound dog appearance.

Lemon Beagle’s Physical Appearance

Lemon Beagle Portrait

Coat and Color

A Beagle’s coat is a marvel of nature — short, straight, dense, and equipped with a waterproof double layer that stands up to rainy adventures. This double coat mirrors that of their Beagle siblings, ensuring they remain comfortable in various weather conditions.

While they’re not known to be heavy shedders, expect some minimal shedding throughout the year.

The Lemon Beagle boasts a soft, mesmerizing hue that sets them apart. It’s a delicate blend of pale yellow or light cream, beautifully contrasted with white, especially noticeable in their distinct “white flag” tail—a beacon for those who venture with them into the thickets.

Size and Stature

The Beagles in general are a testament to the adage “great things come in small packages.”

Classified as a small hound, these dogs carry an infectious, larger-than-life personality. Despite their compact size, there’s no difference in stature between Lemon Beagles and their traditionally colored counterparts.

Males tip the scales slightly heavier at 22 to 24 pounds, while females are a tad lighter, weighing in at around 20 to 22 pounds.

Standing proud at 13 to 16 inches, males are generally a bit taller, with the Pocket Beagle variety charmingly standing under 13 inches.

Defining Features

Spotting a Lemon Beagle is a joy, with their sunny coat and well-built, slightly muscular frame. These dogs boast a square muzzle and short back, complemented by a lively tail that’s often seen in motion, expressing their cheerful disposition.

The darker pigmentation of their nose contrasts beautifully with their lemon coat, while their proportionately shorter legs add to their endearing silhouette.

The Lemon Beagle’s long, droopy, and rounded ears frame their face, amplifying their classic hound dog appeal. These ears, coupled with their large, round hazel to brown eyes, not only add to their expressive charm but also reflect the warmth and friendliness inherent to the breed.

Lemon Beagle Temperament

Lemon Beagle Puppy
Embarking on a journey with a Lemon Beagle is like opening a book filled with tales of joy, companionship, and spirited adventures. Their temperament and personality weave a rich tapestry that resonates deeply with my own experiences, from the unwavering loyalty of my childhood German Shepherd to the playful nature of my Labradors.

A Friend to All

Lemon Beagles are the epitome of friendliness and gentleness. They greet life with an open heart, making instant connections with everyone they meet. This echoes the warmth my German Shepherd exuded, welcoming all with a kind spirit. Post-playtime, they’re all about cuddles, much like my Labradors, always ready to relax and share a moment of peace.

Loyalty and Temperament

The loyalty of a Lemon Beagle is steadfast. Reflecting the even-tempered nature of their Beagle brethren, they display a protective, yet gentle demeanor. Their intuitive sense distinguishes friends from potential threats, making them vigilant watchdogs without the need for aggression. This balance of protective instinct and gentle nature is reminiscent of the unwavering companionship I’ve cherished in my dogs.

Vocal Expressions

Lemon Beagles express their thoughts and feelings through distinctive howls, a trait inherited from their hunting ancestors. This form of communication, more common than barking, signals everything from excitement to alerting their human family of someone’s arrival. However, it’s important to be mindful that excessive howling could indicate separation anxiety, a challenge that requires understanding, socialization, and perhaps crate training to overcome.

Prey Drive and Playfulness

Inherited from their hunting lineage, Lemon Beagles possess a notable prey drive. This instinctual trait fuels their love for chase and play, making interactive games especially rewarding. Balancing this prey drive with structured play and training channels their energy positively, fostering a harmonious living environment.

The Most Common Health Issues in Lemon Beagles

Lemon Beagle Headshot

Health is wealth. This is one thing that’s true even in Lemon Beagles. Through the years, I have been very vocal about the importance of spotting health issues early. In turn, it can make you proactive. Here’s a quick look at some health issues among Lemon Beagles. I’ll also share some tips for its management.

Patellar Luxation

Patellar luxation in Lemon Beagles is a condition where the kneecap (patella) slips out of its normal position, causing discomfort and an abnormal gait, often seen as a skip or hop when they walk. This condition can range from mild, causing occasional discomfort, to severe, leading to chronic pain or even lameness.

  • Maintain a healthy weight to reduce stress on the knees.
  • Regular, gentle exercise can help strengthen the muscles around the knee.
  • Avoid high-impact activities that could exacerbate the condition.
  • Consult with a vet for the best course of action; surgery may be recommended for severe cases.


Obesity in Lemon Beagles is not just about a few extra pounds. It’s a significant health concern that can lead to a cascade of problems, including joint stress, diabetes, and cardiovascular issues. Their boundless enthusiasm for treats and meals, combined with a potential lack of exercise, can quickly tip the scales toward unhealthy weight gain.

  • Keep a close eye on portion sizes and resist those pleading eyes for extra treats.
  • Ensure daily exercise, tailoring activities to your dog’s fitness level.
  • Opt for healthy, low-calorie treats and consider using them as rewards for active play.
  • Regular weight checks and body condition assessments can help keep track of progress.

Ear Infections

The charming, floppy ears of a Lemon Beagle are unfortunately prone to ear infections, which can be quite uncomfortable. The warm, moist environment of their ear canal can become a breeding ground for bacteria or yeast, leading to infections that can cause itching, redness, and a noticeable odor.

  • Regular, gentle cleaning of the ears with a suitable canine ear cleaner can prevent buildup.
  • After bathing or swimming, ensure their ears are thoroughly dried.
  • Keep an eye out for any signs of distress or unusual behavior that might indicate discomfort.
  • Early veterinary consultation can prevent more severe complications.


Epilepsy in Beagles is a concerning condition that manifests as recurrent, unprovoked seizures. These can range from mild, barely noticeable episodes to intense, prolonged convulsions, causing distress to both the dog and the owner. While the exact cause is often unknown, effective management usually involves lifelong medication.

  • Observing and recording seizure episodes can provide valuable information for your vet.
  • Consistent medication, as prescribed, is crucial for controlling seizures.
  • Create a safe, comfortable environment for your dog to reduce injury during a seizure.
  • Feeding a well-balanced diet might help manage seizures for some dogs.
  • Regular veterinary consultations are essential to monitor the condition and adjust treatment as needed.

Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD)

IVDD is a debilitating condition where the cushioning discs between the vertebrae either bulge or burst, pressing on the spinal cord. This can lead to severe pain, nerve damage, and in the worst cases, paralysis. It’s particularly concerning for dogs that enjoy an active lifestyle, as it can significantly limit their mobility.

  • Preventive measures include avoiding activities that could injure their back, such as jumping from heights or climbing stairs.
  • Maintaining an ideal weight to minimize stress on the spine.
  • Incorporating pet-friendly furniture accessories to assist in climbing without strain.
  • Immediate veterinary care is crucial at the first sign of back pain or difficulty moving.


Hypothyroidism in Lemon Beagles is an endocrine disorder where the thyroid gland underproduces necessary hormones, leading to a slowdown in metabolic processes. This can manifest as unexplained weight gain, lethargy, and changes in the coat and skin condition, often mistaken for simple aging or lack of energy.

  • Regular monitoring for symptoms can lead to early detection, which is key.
  • Diagnosis is typically straightforward, involving blood tests to assess thyroid hormone levels.
  • Treatment usually involves daily thyroid hormone replacement, which can dramatically improve quality of life.
  • Ongoing management with your vet will ensure the treatment remains effective.

Care Guide for Lemon Beagles

Lemon and White Beagle

Caring for a Lemon Beagle is a very easy task. They are great family dogs when socialized and trained correctly. Their playful and loving temperament makes them fun to be around all day long.

Here’s a little bit more information on how to care for them.

Feeding Guide

Feeding a Lemon Beagle isn’t just about filling the bowl. It’s about balance and understanding their needs. Start with high-quality dog food, tailored to their age, size, and activity level.

Portion control is key. These dogs love to eat and can easily gain weight. Measure their food and stick to a feeding schedule.

You should feed your dog one to two times each day. We wouldn’t recommend free feeding with this breed. Splitting meals into breakfast and dinner will help your dog’s digestion so they don’t engulf their daily servings all in one go.

Consider incorporating fresh fruits and veggies as treats. They’re low in calories and high in nutrients. But remember, not all human foods are safe for dogs.

Treats are also an important part of their diet, especially when it comes to rewarding good behavior and training.

Exercise Requirements

Exercise is crucial for a Lemon Beagle. Their energy is abundant, and they need an outlet. Daily walks are a must, but they’ll love more adventurous activities too.

We recommend walking your dog daily. Without exercise and stimulation, dogs may become bored and lethargic.

Due to their small size, cardio sessions should be kept short and limited. However, playtime in the yard is a fantastic way to burn off energy.

Think beyond the walk. Interactive games and dog sports can mentally stimulate them. Plus, it’s a great way for you to bond.

Lemon Beagle Running

Grooming Tips

Grooming a Lemon Beagle is more than a beauty routine; it’s about health. Their short coat is low maintenance but don’t overlook it. Regular brushing will keep it shiny and reduce shedding.

Baths are necessary, but not too frequent. Over-bathing can strip their coat of natural oils. Choose a mild dog shampoo for their sensitive skin.

Don’t forget the ears. Their floppy nature requires regular checks to prevent infections. A gentle wipe with a damp cloth can keep them clean.

How to Train a Lemon Beagle

Training a Lemon Beagle is an adventure filled with both challenges and joys. It’s a journey that requires patience, understanding, and a splash of creativity. As we delve into the nuances of training these spirited canines, remember that each step is an opportunity to strengthen your bond and enhance their well-being.

Starting Early

Start your training adventure as soon as your Lemon Beagle arrives. Puppies are incredibly receptive, ready to soak up everything you teach them. Focus on basic commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “come” from the get-go. These aren’t just tricks; they’re foundational elements of good behavior and communication between you and your pup. Establishing these basics early sets the stage for a lifetime of mutual respect and understanding.

Consistency is Key

Beagles are known for their mix of curiosity and a dash of stubbornness, making consistency in training paramount. Adhere to a regular schedule and use clear, consistent commands to avoid confusion. Consistency in rules and expectations helps your Beagle understand what’s acceptable, fostering a sense of security and trust. When they follow through with a command, a reward is in order.

Positive Reinforcement

The vibrant personality of a Lemon Beagle responds exceptionally well to positive reinforcement. Treats, praise, and playtime are not just rewards. They’re affirmations of their good behavior. Seize every opportunity to reinforce positive actions, whether it’s during a structured training session or a spontaneous moment of good behavior. This method not only encourages your Beagle to repeat those actions but also makes training a fun and rewarding experience for them.

Addressing the Beagle Howl

The characteristic howl of a Beagle is endearing yet can be overwhelming at times. While it’s a natural part of their behavior, stemming from their hunting heritage, it can be managed. Redirect their attention with an activity or command when they start to howl. This technique isn’t about suppressing their instinct but rather guiding it in a more appropriate direction. With patience and consistency, your Beagle can learn that there are more rewarding ways to express themselves than through incessant howling.


Socialization is a critical component of your Lemon Beagle’s training, essential for their emotional and social development. Introduce them to a wide range of experiences, including different people, dogs, and environments. This exposure not only builds their confidence but also helps mitigate fear and anxiety in new situations. A well-socialized Beagle is not just well-behaved; they become a positive representation of the breed, adaptable and friendly in various settings.

Costs of Lemon Beagle Ownership

Owning a Lemon Beagle involves various costs, from initial expenses to ongoing and unexpected ones. Here’s a breakdown to help you budget for your new furry friend:

Initial Costs

  • Acquisition: Adopting from a shelter might cost $50-$300, including initial vaccinations and spaying/neutering. Buying from a reputable breeder can range from $500-$1,200, depending on pedigree and health clearances.
  • Startup Supplies: Expect to spend $200-$500 on essentials like a bed, bowls, leash, collar, toys, and a crate.

Ongoing Expenses

  • Food: High-quality dog food costs about $20-$40 per month, depending on the brand and your dog’s size.
  • Veterinary Care: Routine check-ups and vaccinations typically run $200-$300 annually. Flea, tick, and heartworm prevention add another $100-$200 per year.
  • Grooming: Basic grooming supplies and occasional professional grooming sessions can total $30-$50 every few months.
  • Training: Group obedience classes range from $50-$125 for a series of sessions, which is highly recommended for behavioral development.

Unexpected Costs

  • Emergency Veterinary Care: These costs can vary widely but expect to set aside $200-$2,000 for unforeseen health issues or emergencies.
  • Pet Insurance: Monthly premiums can range from $15-$50, potentially saving you from hefty unexpected medical bills.
  • Boarding/Pet Sitting: If you travel, budget $25-$50 per night for boarding or a similar rate for a pet sitter.

FAQs: More About Lemon Beagles

What makes a Lemon Beagle “lemon”?

A Lemon Beagle is called “lemon” due to its light, tan-yellow coat, distinct from the traditional tricolor Beagle. This unique coloring comes from specific genetic traits.

Can Lemon Beagles be good apartment dogs?

Yes, Lemon Beagles can adapt to apartment living if they receive adequate exercise and mental stimulation. Their size and temperament make them suitable for smaller living spaces.

Do Lemon Beagles require special care?

No, Lemon Beagles don’t require special care beyond what’s typical for Beagles. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and routine veterinary check-ups are essential.

Are Lemon Beagles good with children?

Lemon Beagles are known for their friendly and gentle nature, making them excellent companions for children. They enjoy playtime and can be quite affectionate with family members.

Are Lemon Beagles good family dogs?

Yes, Lemon Beagles are excellent family dogs. They thrive on companionship and fit well into the family dynamic with their playful and loving nature.

How long do Lemon Beagles typically live?

Lemon Beagles have a lifespan similar to other Beagles, typically living between 12 to 15 years. Proper care and regular vet visits can help ensure a long, healthy life.

Can Lemon Beagles participate in dog sports?

Absolutely, Lemon Beagles excel in dog sports like agility, tracking, and scent work, thanks to their intelligence and keen sense of smell. These activities also provide great mental and physical exercise.

Is the Lemon Beagle Right for You?

Beagle With A White Tipped Tail

The Lemon Beagle, with its distinctive pale tan-yellow coat, captures all the endearing qualities of the traditional Beagle but stands out with its unique coloration. Despite the difference in appearance, these dogs embody the same spirited, friendly, and adventurous nature known to their breed.

As you consider adding a Lemon Beagle to your life, it’s essential to understand what makes them such a delightful yet demanding companion.

Lemon Beagles Are For

  • Families Seeking a Friendly and Gentle Companion: Their sociable nature makes them great for households with children and other pets.
  • Active Individuals or Families: If you love outdoor activities, a Lemon Beagle’s energy and playfulness will match your lifestyle.
  • Those Who Appreciate a Dog with Personality: Lemon Beagles are known for their expressive faces, amusing antics, and overall cheerful demeanor.
  • Potential Dog Owners Looking for a Manageable Size: Their small to medium size makes them adaptable to various living situations, including apartments.

Lemon Beagles Are NOT For

  • People Seeking a Low-Maintenance Dog: While not overly demanding, they do require regular exercise, mental stimulation, and grooming.
  • Those Who Prefer a Quiet Home: Their tendency to howl, especially when left alone, might be challenging for those seeking a quieter dog.
  • Individuals Away from Home Frequently: Lemon Beagles thrive on companionship and may develop separation anxiety if left alone for long periods.
  • Prospective Owners Looking for a Guard Dog: Their friendly nature doesn’t make them the best choice for those wanting a dog with protective instincts.

About John Woods 299 Articles
John Woods is the founder of All Things Dogs, member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers, graduate in Animal Behavior & Welfare and recognized author by the Dog Writers Association of America.

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