Long Haired Chihuahua: Complete Guide to a Luxurious Lap Dog

Long Haired Chihuahua Feature

The first time I met a Long Haired Chihuahua, it was love at first sight. This tiny dynamo, with fur soft as silk, darted across the room with the elegance of a seasoned performer.

This encounter wasn’t just a fleeting moment; it marked the beginning of a deep fascination. Observing their confident strides and spirited nature, it’s hard not to be drawn in. The Long Haired Chihuahua embodies a rare combination of resilience and affection, making each interaction memorable.

Through my years with dogs, each breed has carved a special place in my heart. Yet, the Long Haired Chihuahua, with its mix of regal grace and spirited spunk, truly stands apart. They’re pint-sized partners with enormous hearts.

Let’s uncover the enchanting world of this breed. Learn more about its origin, physical characteristics, care requirements, and other things.

Long Haired Chihuahua Quick Breed Summary

Purpose Companion
Height6 to 9 inches
Weight3 to 6 pounds
CoatLong and soft, straight or wavy
ColorBlack, chocolate, cream, gold
Shedding Moderate
Life Span12 to 20 years
Temperament Loyal, brave, energetic, intelligent
Other NamesLong Haired Chi


Origin of the Long Haired Chihuahua

Black Long Haired Chihuahua

The Long Haired Chihuahua, with its captivating elegance and miniature size, holds a story that spans continents and centuries. To truly appreciate these tiny wonders, we must delve into their rich history. From ancient civilizations to modern homes, their journey is as fascinating as the breed itself.

The Roots of Elegance

Our story starts in the mystical landscapes of Mexico, the birthplace of the Chihuahua. Among the ancient ruins and rich cultures, the predecessors of our modern-day Long-Haired Chihuahua thrived. The Techichi, a dog revered by the Toltec civilization, is believed to be their ancestor. These dogs were not just pets but held spiritual significance.

As the Aztecs succeeded the Toltecs, the Techichi’s legacy continued. The Aztecs, too, saw these dogs as more than mere companions. They believed in the spiritual power of the Techichi, further entwining the breed into Mexico’s cultural tapestry.

A Breed Takes Shape

Over time, the Chihuahua as we know it began to take shape. The emergence of the Long Haired variety is a tale of selective breeding and serendipity. By integrating small, long-haired breeds into the Chihuahua’s gene pool, breeders gifted us with this fluffy variant.

This wasn’t a quick transformation, though. It took generations for the Long Hair Chihuahua to emerge with its distinctive flowing coat and refined features. This meticulous breeding process has resulted in the diverse and beautiful range of Long Haired Chihuahuas we see today.

Long Hair Chihuahua Physical Appearance

Pair of Two Long Haired Chihuahua Dogs

A look into the physical characteristics of the Long Haired Chihuahua reveals a world of elegance and diversity. These tiny dogs may be small, but their vibrant personalities and striking features make them stand out in the canine world.

A Petite Stature

Long-haired Chihuahuas are synonymous with the term “pocket-sized.” Their height, a mere 6 to 9 inches, allows them to navigate the world from a unique vantage point. But don’t be fooled by their small size; these dogs carry themselves with an air of nobility, each step filled with assurance and grace.

Their compact size makes them ideal companions for urban living. Whether living in a cozy apartment or striding confidently through bustling city streets, they adapt seamlessly. This adaptability, along with their regal bearing, makes them a favorite of many.

Light as a Feather

Weighing merely 3 to 6 pounds, Long Hair Chihuahuas are the epitome of a lightweight breed. This lightness, however, doesn’t detract from their presence. They have a way of making their weight felt, often occupying spaces and hearts much larger than their physical size suggests.

Their minimal weight contributes to their agility and vivacity. It allows them to be endlessly energetic, darting about with a zest that belies their delicate frame. This combination of lightness and liveliness is part of what makes them so endearing.

Luxurious Locks

The coat of this petite dog is nothing short of luxurious. Longer and softer than their short-haired counterparts, it comes in varying degrees of straightness and waviness. This magnificent coat requires regular grooming to keep it looking its best, making it a commitment as much as a delight.

The variety in their coat texture adds to the breed’s allure. Whether it’s the silky sheen of a straight coat or the gentle undulations of a wavy one, each Long Haired Chihuahua carries its fur with pride. This pride in their appearance is part of what makes them so captivating.

A Kaleidoscope of Colors

The color palette of the Long Haired Chihuahua is impressively varied. From the deep hues of black and chocolate to the lighter tones of cream and gold, they cover a broad spectrum. Patterns and markings, such as sable or brindle, add layers of complexity to their appearance.

This diversity in coloration means that no two Long Haired Chihuahuas are exactly alike. Each one boasts a unique combination of colors and patterns, making them as individual as fingerprints. This uniqueness is a source of fascination and pride for their owners.

Distinctive Heads

The breed is distinguished by two head shapes: Apple and Deer. The Apple Head Chihuahuas possess a characteristic dome-shaped skull, giving them a sweet, baby-like appearance. Their large, luminous eyes are set in expressive faces, often conveying a range of emotions.

Deer Head Chihuahuas, on the other hand, feature a flatter skull and an elongated muzzle, giving them a more elegant, deer-like appearance. This variation in head shape adds to the breed’s diversity, allowing potential owners to choose a preference that resonates with them.

More Than Meets the Eye

But there’s more to a Long Hair Chihuahua than just its physical traits. Their eyes, often brimming with intelligence and curiosity, seem to peer into your soul. Despite their diminutive size, they possess a fearless spirit, often standing up to challenges far beyond their physical capabilities.

This combination of physical beauty and indomitable spirit makes the Long-Haired Chihuahua a remarkable breed. They are pets and companions for life, adapting to their surroundings gracefully and filling their owners’ lives with joy and color.

Temperament of the Long Hair Chi

Chihuahua Dog

These little ones may be small in size, but trust me, they have personalities that could rival any of the big breeds. Let me share a bit about what you can expect when living with these spirited companions.

A Big Heart in a Small Package

First off, Long Hair Chihuahuas are fiercely loyal. Once you’ve earned their trust, you’ve got a friend for life. They form strong bonds with their owners, often becoming particularly attached to one person. This loyalty makes them excellent companions, but it also means they can be a bit protective.

Despite their protective personality, they’re not always wary of strangers. With proper socialization, they can be quite friendly and outgoing. It’s all about exposing them to different people and situations from a young age.

The Brave Little Warriors

Don’t let their size fool you; these dogs are braver than they look. They have the heart of a lion, often unaware of their own small stature. I’ve heard from some owners about how their tiny dogs stood up to ones many times their size. Such is a testament to their fearless spirit.

However, this bravery means they sometimes need protection from themselves. It’s important to ensure they don’t get into situations where their courage could lead them into trouble.

A Bundle of Energy and Intelligence

Long-Haired Chihuahuas are incredibly energetic and intelligent. They love to play and can learn tricks and commands with surprising speed. The key is to channel their energy and intelligence in positive ways, through play, training, and mental stimulation.

Their smarts mean they can sometimes be a little stubborn, but with patience and consistent training, they’re eager to please. It’s all about finding the right motivation, be it treats, praise, or playtime.

A Loving Companion

Above all, Long Haired Chihuahuas are affectionate. They thrive on companionship, preferring to be by your side as much as possible. Whether it’s cuddling on the couch or following you from room to room, they love to be involved in your life.

Their affectionate character makes them great companions, but it also means they can struggle with separation anxiety. Ensuring they have a comfortable, safe space when alone can help, as can regular routines.

Long-Haired Chihuahua Care Guide

Long Haired Chihuahua Puppies

Caring for a Long Haired Chihuahua goes beyond just providing love and shelter; it’s about understanding their unique needs and ensuring their well-being.

Feeding Requirements

When it comes to feeding a Long Haired Chihuahua, think of quality over quantity. Their tiny tummies need nutrient-rich food designed for small breeds. I’ve found that a balanced diet supports their energy levels and keeps their coats shiny. Remember, moderation is key. It’s easy for these little ones to gain weight.

Frequency matters too. I prefer splitting their daily intake into small, manageable meals. This keeps their metabolism steady and prevents issues like hypoglycemia. Always consult with a vet to tailor a diet that’s perfect for your furry friend.

Here are some tips for selecting the right dog food for your Chihuahua:

  • Look for High-Quality Protein: Protein is crucial for muscle development and energy. Choose foods with real meat (chicken, beef, fish) as the first ingredient.
  • Opt for Small Breed Formulas: These are specially designed to meet the nutritional needs of smaller dogs.
  • Check for Essential Fatty Acids: Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids promote a healthy coat and skin.
  • Ensure a Balance of Nutrients: Vitamins and minerals support overall health. Keep an eye out for foods fortified with essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Consider Digestive Health: Prebiotics and probiotics can aid in maintaining a healthy gut.
  • Watch the Caloric Content: Chihuahuas are prone to obesity, so opt for foods that provide balanced nutrition without excessive calories.
  • Be Mindful of Allergies: Some Chihuahuas may have food sensitivities. Hypoallergenic formulas or limited ingredient diets can be beneficial for sensitive dogs.
  • Taste Matters: Let’s not forget, it has to be palatable for your furry friend. Finding a nutritious food that your Chihuahua also loves is key.

Exercise Needs

Despite their small stature, Long-Haired Chihuahuas possess an abundance of energy that belies their size. Incorporating daily walks into their routine is not just beneficial. t’s crucial for their physical and mental well-being. During these walks, their inquisitive nature comes alive as they explore their surroundings, showcasing their keen sense of adventure.

To cater to their energetic spirits, varying the walking routes keeps their explorations fresh and exciting. These walks are more than just physical exercise; they are sensory adventures that stimulate their minds and satisfy their curiosity.

Indoor play complements outdoor activities, ensuring they remain active regardless of the weather. From tug-of-war to fetch, interactive games not only exercise their bodies but also strengthen the bond between us. The key is to engage in activities that are physically suitable for their small frames, avoiding overexertion.

Grooming Essentials

Grooming a Long Haired Chihuahua is indeed a delightful ritual, a time to bond and ensure they look their absolute best. Their flowing coats are a defining feature, requiring regular care to maintain their beauty and health.

Shedding and Coat Care

Despite their long hair, these dogs are moderate shedders. Regular brushing, about 2-3 times a week, helps manage shedding and prevents mats and tangles. I’ve found a soft bristle brush or a pin brush works best for their delicate coats.

During shedding season, you might need to brush them more frequently to keep loose hair under control. This keeps their coat in great condition. At the same time, it reduces the amount of hair around your home.

Bathing Tips

Bathing a Long Haired Chi is a bit of an art. Their baths should be infrequent, every 2-3 months, unless they get particularly dirty. Over-bathing can strip their coat of natural oils, leading to dry skin and irritation.

I suggest using a mild, dog-specific shampoo to protect their sensitive skin. Rinse and dry their coat thoroughly to prevent any skin issues. A gentle blow-dry on a low setting can help fluff up their coat, but many Chihuahuas prefer air-drying in a warm, draft-free area.

Nail Trimming and Dental Care

Keeping their nails trimmed is more than just a cosmetic concern; it’s vital for their health. Overgrown nails can cause discomfort and affect their gait. I recommend a nail trim every 3-4 weeks, making it a stress-free experience with plenty of treats and patience.

Dental health is another critical aspect of grooming. Small breeds like Chihuahuas are prone to dental issues, so regular brushing is essential. Starting dental care routines early can help them get used to the process, contributing to their overall well-being.

How to Train a Long Haired Chihuahua

Long Haired Chihuahua Dog

Training a Long Haired Chihuahua is more than just teaching tricks; it’s about fostering a deep, mutual understanding and respect between you and your tiny companion. Let me guide you through some effective strategies to make training both enjoyable and successful for you and your Chihuahua.

Start with the Basics

Initiating training with basic commands lays the groundwork for a well-behaved dog. Commands like ‘sit’, ‘stay’, ‘come’, and ‘down’ are not just practical; they’re essential building blocks for further training. Keep training sessions short and sweet. Around 5 to 10 minutes can be enough to keep a Chihuahua engaged and eager to learn. In addition, this can prevent any loss of interest or frustration.

Consistency in your commands and expectations plays a vital role in your Chihuahua’s learning process. Using the same words for commands and maintaining a consistent routine helps them understand and respond better. This clarity prevents confusion. As a result, training sessions are more productive and enjoyable for both of you.

Patience Pays Off

Patience is key when training a Long Haired Chihuahua. Their intelligence is often accompanied by a dash of stubbornness. Therefore, it’s essential to approach training with a calm and patient demeanor. If a session isn’t going according to plan, don’t hesitate to take a break.

Remember, progress might be gradual, and that’s perfectly okay. Celebrating small victories and maintaining a positive, encouraging environment can significantly impact their learning curve. Patience and persistence in training will lead to a well-behaved and happy Chihuahua.

Socialization is Key

Socializing your Long Haired Chihuahua from an early age is crucial for their development. Exposure to different people, pets, and environments broadens their horizons and helps mitigate fear and anxiety in unfamiliar situations. This foundation of socialization leads to a more confident, adaptable, and well-rounded dog.

Structured socialization sessions, such as puppy classes or controlled playdates, provide safe environments for your Chihuahua to interact and learn. These experiences are invaluable, teaching them appropriate behaviors and how to interact with others, laying the groundwork for a sociable and well-adjusted adult dog.

Addressing the Small Dog Syndrome

‘Small dog syndrome’ can manifest in Long Haired Chihuahuas as behaviors including the following:

  • Growling
  • Barking
  • Jumping
  • Snarling
  • Aggression

It’s important to address these tendencies early, establishing yourself as the calm, assertive pack leader. This leadership helps curb such behaviors by providing clear boundaries and guidance.

Training sessions are an excellent opportunity to assert this leadership in a positive, non-confrontational way. Consistently reinforcing desired behaviors and gently correcting undesirable ones help your Chihuahua understand their boundaries within your ‘pack’, leading to a harmonious living situation.

Common Health Problems and How to Address Them

Long Haired Chihuahuas, with their charming demeanor and petite stature, bring immense joy to their owners. However, being aware of the health issues common to the breed is crucial for their well-being. Let’s explore some prevalent health concerns, their symptoms, and strategies for management.

Patellar Luxation

Patellar luxation is a condition where the kneecap (patella) slips out of its normal anatomical position. In Chihuahuas, this is often due to congenital malformations of the leg bones, making the knee joint unstable. Signs of patellar luxation include intermittent limping, sudden yelping when moving, a peculiar gait where the dog may kick out the leg to pop the kneecap back into place, and in some cases, reluctance to use the affected leg.

  • Maintain your Chihuahua’s ideal weight to lessen the load on their joints.
  • Engage in moderate, low-impact exercise to strengthen the muscles supporting the knee joint.
  • Use orthopedic dog beds to provide optimal support for your dog’s joints.
  • In cases of severe patellar luxation, surgical intervention may be necessary. Consult with your veterinarian for the best course of action.


Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, is a risk for small breeds like the Long Haired Chihuahua, often exacerbated by inadequate nutrition, excessive exercise, or stress. Symptoms of hypoglycemia include lethargy, weakness, uncoordinated movements, convulsions, and in severe cases, loss of consciousness.

  • Ensure your Chihuahua eats regular, balanced meals throughout the day to maintain stable blood sugar levels.
  • Keep a close eye on your pet during and after vigorous activities to catch any signs of hypoglycemia early.
  • Have a quick source of sugar available, such as honey or a glucose solution, to administer in case of an emergency.
  • Consult with your veterinarian for guidance on managing and preventing hypoglycemia, especially if your Chihuahua frequently experiences episodes.

Dental Problems

Dental issues are particularly prevalent in Long Haired Chihuahuas, primarily due to their small jaws which can lead to overcrowding of teeth. This crowding makes them more susceptible to plaque buildup, leading to tartar, gum disease, and eventually tooth loss. Symptoms to watch for include bad breath, difficulty chewing, noticeable discomfort around the mouth, red or swollen gums, and loose or missing teeth.

  • Implement a regular dental care routine, including brushing your Chihuahua’s teeth with canine toothpaste.
  • Schedule annual dental check-ups with your veterinarian to monitor and manage dental health.
  • Offer dental chews and toys that help reduce plaque and tartar buildup.
  • Consider professional dental cleanings under veterinary supervision to address severe dental issues.

Costs of Owning a Long Hair Chihuahua

Long Haired Chihuahua Portrait

Owning a Long Haired Chihuahua comes with its share of expenses, some upfront and others ongoing. Providing a breakdown with estimated costs can help prospective owners budget effectively for this rewarding commitment.

Initial Costs

The initial investment in a Long Haired Chihuahua can vary significantly based on the source. Adoption fees typically range from $50 to $300. On the other hand, purchasing from a reputable breeder might cost between $500 and $1,500, depending on lineage and location.

  • Initial veterinary visit and vaccinations: $100 – $200
  • Spaying/Neutering (if not already done): $200 – $500
  • Microchipping: $40 – $60
  • Initial supplies (bed, crate, bowls, leash, collar): $100 – $200

Daily Care Expenses

The day-to-day expenses mainly encompass food and routine healthcare.

  • High-quality dog food: $20 – $40 per month
  • Treats and dental chews: $10 – $20 per month
  • Routine veterinary care (annual check-ups, vaccinations): $200 – $300 annually
  • Flea, tick, and heartworm prevention: $100 – $200 annually

Grooming Costs

While much of the grooming can be done at home, occasional professional help might be needed, especially for coat trimming and nail clipping.

  • Basic grooming supplies: $50 – $100 (one-time cost)
  • Professional grooming sessions: $30 – $60 per visit (2-4 times a year)

Health Care and Emergency Funds

Unexpected health issues can arise, and it’s wise to have a financial cushion for such instances. Pet insurance can also be a valuable investment to help cover unexpected medical expenses.

  • Emergency veterinary fund: $500 – $1,000 set aside
  • Pet insurance: $20 – $50 per month

Accessories and Miscellaneous

Ensuring your Long Haired Chihuahua has everything they need for a comfortable life involves some additional purchases.

  • Bedding: $30 – $60
  • Toys: $50 – $100 annually
  • Leash and harness: $20 – $50
  • Travel crate: $50 – $100

FAQs: Learn More About the Long Haired Chihuahua

How long does a Long Hair Chihuahua typically live?

Long Haired Chihuahuas boast a lengthy lifespan, often living between 12 to 20 years with proper care. Their longevity is attributed to their small size and breed-specific health management, including regular veterinary care and a nutritious diet.

Is the Long Haired Chihuahua a good family dog?

Long Haired Chihuahuas can be excellent family dogs through proper socialization. They are loyal and affectionate towards their families. However, due to their small size and sometimes feisty nature, they are better suited for families with older children who understand how to interact gently with small pets.

Are Long Haired Chihuahuas good with children?

While Long Haired Chihuahuas can form close bonds with children, caution is advised, especially with younger kids. Their petite size makes them fragile, so interactions must be supervised to ensure gentle play. Older, respectful children usually get along well with these small dogs.

Can Long Haired Chihuahuas live with other pets?

Yes, Long Haired Chihuahuas can coexist peacefully with other pets, especially if they are raised together from a young age. Proper introductions and socialization are key to fostering harmonious relationships, whether with other dogs, cats, or even smaller pets.

Do Long Haired Chihuahuas bark?

Long Haired Chihuahuas do tend to bark, often due to their alert and protective personality. However, with consistent training and socialization, you can manage excessive barking. Understanding and addressing the root cause of the barking, such as boredom or territorial behavior, can also help reduce it.

Are Long Haired Chihuahuas easy to train?

Long Haired Chihuahuas are intelligent and capable of learning quickly, making them relatively easy to train with the right approach. Positive reinforcement and consistency are key, as is patience. Their independent streak may pose a challenge, but with engaging and rewarding training sessions, they can learn a wide variety of commands and tricks.

So, Should You Get a Long Haired Chihuahua?

Thinking about adding a Long Haired Chihuahua to your family? They’re more than just pets; they become your shadow, your confidant, and a central part of your daily routine. Their compact size makes them perfect for any living situation, and their loyalty is unmatched. But, like any breed, they come with their own set of needs and quirks.

Long Haired Chihuahuas Are For

  • Individuals or families looking for a loyal companion: Their strong bond with their owners and affectionate personality make them excellent companions.
  • Those who appreciate an active, alert dog: Despite their small size, they have a lively spirit and enjoy being active, making them great for people who enjoy engaging with their pets.
  • Residents of smaller living spaces: Their compact size makes them well-suited for apartment living, as long as they get regular exercise and mental stimulation.
  • Experienced dog owners who understand the nuances of smaller breeds: Their unique care requirements, including grooming and health management, are well-suited to those familiar with dog ownership.

Long Haired Chihuahuas Are NOT For

  • Families with very young children: The breed’s small size and fragility make them less suited for households with toddlers who may unintentionally handle them too roughly.
  • Those looking for a low-maintenance pet: While not the most demanding in terms of exercise, their grooming needs, health considerations, and desire for companionship mean they do require dedicated care and attention.
  • People seeking a quiet, reserved dog: Long Haired Chihuahuas can be vocal and protective, traits not everyone may appreciate, especially in shared living environments or quiet neighborhoods.

If the idea of a Chihuahua piques your interest but you’re still on the fence, why not explore the world of Chihuahua mixes? These delightful mixed breeds blend the Chihuahua’s spirited charm with traits from other breeds, offering a variety of personalities and looks.

Imagine the spunk of a Chihuahua mixed with the comical nature of a Pug, giving you the adorable Pughuahua. Or perhaps the Chiweenie, where the Chihuahua’s vivacity meets the Dachshund’s playful spirit. These mixes can provide a unique alternative, combining the best of both worlds for those looking for a slightly different canine companion.

About John Woods 299 Articles
John Woods is the founder of All Things Dogs, member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers, graduate in Animal Behavior & Welfare and recognized author by the Dog Writers Association of America.


  1. I owned a short hair named Rosie who passed a few years back! She was a handful and a delight and as you’ve mentioned very smart. I am now 83 and have a hearing problem. Rosie would let me know when the phone was ringing, someone was at the door, and quite protective. I am looking for another but would like a longhair and don’t know where to start nor who to trust but I’m sure I’ll find what I’m looking for.

  2. Thank you so much for your comments above! I love our Chiweenie- black, long haired with huge ears. She is funny, sassy and into mischief on a frequent basis if she can. Her ‘brother’ at home is a Choodle ( Chi Tzu + poodle mix ) muscular at 24 lb. She bosses him. She plays ninja with him by shooting in from various angles to hold his ears or hang from his whiskers. Since my husband just died, they have been grieving too, but always find time to just be with me!

  3. I want to get a Chihuahua and I have several family members who have them and I’ve always loved them; I want one of my own! I am looking for a long hair chi-poo or other long hair mix to love me and be a kind of service dog. I understand they are very good at that; I am actively looking to get one asap if anyone has any leads (I live in Portland OR.).

  4. I have a long hair chi that is around 1 year. She is losing hair at a rapid rate and is almost bald in places. Do they blow their coats like some other breeds?

  5. We have two long coat chi and they are the center of our universe. Our Lucy is two and she is so loving, and quirky. Our Pepe’ is 5 months old. He is so sweet and loves life. I would recommend this breed to anyone who loves a constant companion.

  6. I have a long haired Pomchi, and looks very similar to the strawberry blonde dog you have on this website. She’s 12 pounds. My biggest challenge with her is piddling when she’s excited, scared or anxious. My husband has to walk in the house backwards to try to prevent her piddling out of excitement. Any suggestions?

    • Hi Prabha,

      How old is your Pomchi? Is she house-trained the rest of the time? Have you been to see your Veterinarian to rule out any health issues that could be causing the loss of control?

      Does your dog show any other anxious behaviors? Have you tried partitioning her into another room so she’s not directly in contact when you walk through the door?

      Then when she’s calm, let her approach you? Here you are helping her manage her emotions.

  7. I have a dog who I adopted back in September I’m not sure what his breed is although when I got him I was told he was LH Chi.

  8. Almost four years ago my wife found a LH Chi playing in traffic near our home. After six weeks looking for an owner, he was already member of our family. Our vet said he was probably around 2 years old at the time. He was everything mentioned above, wide open, a pain and a delight.

  9. I’ve had Shi Tzu’s for the last 20 years. I did not like the constant grooming cost, other than that amazing dogs!

  10. Our local Humane Society received 12 Chihuahuas surrendered from a home containing 29. One of these was a pregnant female that whelped two days later. I adopted One of the pups, my Louie, and he is the only long haired puppy in the litter of 5. I assumed I was getting a Chi mix but after asking about it I’m finding that he is more than likely full blood Chi as those were the only breed kept in the home. Comparing his photo with that of long coat Chihuahua pups he is an exact match. At 10 weeks he is already full of personality and energy. I’ve never had a dog this small but he likely will be a larger size than breed standard. At 10 weeks he is just over 3 pounds. I enjoyed your article and information offered here. Let the fun begin!

    • My dog according to the rescue and vet thought was a Pom-Chi. After doing a dna test on him he’s pure chihuahua. Obviously a long haired, but they think he came from a hoarder home. He matches ALL of the descriptions in this article and looks SO much like the dog in the picture I’m not convinced it isn’t him. He’s so great, but also can be a handful lol.

  11. I have a tri-color long haired chihuahua and she is considered tea-cup or miniature chihuahua. She is now 15 years old and is my best friend, she’s my baby girl and my life revolves around her. She is not difficult to care for at all. She is also very attached to me and that’s what I love. We know each other. I work from home so we are rarely separated. I explain to her in a calm loving voice as I put her in my bed, that Mama will be back. If we go on vacation I always bring her. My husband is amazing with her. She sleeps in our king sized bed in an area between us at the head of the bed with a special soft dog bed. I believe these little dogs deserve to be loved and cherished. When they are loved, they give back so much love back to you.

  12. I have a chocolate brown long hair Chi he is 8 lbs and a deer head. He looks like a little fox. Cheech is 5 and loves his brother Flash a JR Terrier. He has no papers, he was gotten from a man that used to bring his adult Chi’s to the park. I only saw him twice the second time he had the pairs two pups. $100 got the fluff ball. And he has been a joy. The only thing I say with them, people tend to tease them, because they act fearse and they will develop a bad disposition, only caused by the human.

  13. I got a long-haired Chihuahua in November 2021 from a rescue. He is everything discussed in this article and more! He follows me constantly and I loves to be close. My only problem is that he pees in the house. I had to buy a carpet cleaner because he will just lift his leg or squat anywhere and pee. He will not poo in the house, only pee. I have had to resort to belly bands constantly. At 5 years old I’m not sure he could ever be ‘cured’ of this. But, he is so loving and so cute!! As others have said, he is a joy and sometimes a pain!

  14. I have a long hair chi rescue from a hoarder. She was 10 lbs when we got her, now bigger! Punkin is my lapdog. When my husband died at home, Punkin refused to leave his side until we picked her up. Such a love, but not a good car rider.

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