Shorkie 101: A Complete Guide to the Shih Tzu Yorkie Mix

Shorkie Dog

Have you ever encountered a dog with a pint-sized body and the heart of a lion? That’s what you can expect from a Shorkie. This adorable crossbreed, blending the bold Yorkshire Terrier with the gentle Shih Tzu, is a marvel of contrasts. Despite their small size, Shorkies carry themselves with the grandeur of a much larger breed, bursting with energy and personality.

Each Shorkie is a unique blend of traits: brave yet tender, energetic yet snugly. They’re the little dynamos of the dog world, always up for an adventure, yet equally happy snuggled in your arms. In the diverse realm of dogs, Shorkies make a statement that truly, the best things often come in small packages.

Discover the many facets of the Shorkie’s world. From understanding their quirky personality to tips on their care and health, I’ll talk about the many things you need to know.

Shorkie Quick Breed Summary Table

Breed GroupToy
PurposeLap Dog / Companion
Suitable ForFirst-time dog owners, families in small homes or apartments, allergy sufferers
Size5 to 9 inches
Weight4 to 11 pounds
Lifespan11 to 16 years
ColorBlack and Tan, Brown and White, Gold, Red or Gold, Black and White
TemperamentLoyal, Energetic, Feisty, Watchful and Protective
Daily ExerciseMedium – A 30 to 60 minute walk each day
Activity LevelsModerate
Daily Food ConsumptionBetween 200 and 320 calories each day for a fully matured dog and 300 – 550 for the first 18 months
Known Health IssuesDental problems, respiratory diseases, hypoglycemia, eye problems, joint issues

Origin of the Shorkie

Understanding the lineage of the Shorkie is like stepping into a tale of two worlds. This charming hybrid comes from a blend of two distinct, yet equally fascinating breeds: the Yorkshire Terrier and the Shih Tzu.

Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkshire Terrier, affectionately known as the Yorkie, has its roots in England, emerging during the Industrial Revolution. Initially bred for the practical purpose of rat-catching in mills, these little dogs quickly transcended their working-class origins. What defines a Yorkie is their bold and adventurous spirit, cloaked in a beautiful, silky coat. My first encounter with a Yorkie left a lasting impression; their fearlessness and spunk are truly unparalleled for their size.

Shih Tzu

Contrasting the Yorkie is the Shih Tzu, a breed that originated in ancient China. Revered as royal pets, Shih Tzus have always been synonymous with companionship and luxury. Their name, meaning ‘Little Lion,’ is a bit of a misnomer, as they are anything but fierce. This dog is classed as a brachycephalic breed, which means they have a flatter and wider skull shape. In my experience with Shih Tzus, they exude nothing but warmth and affection, always eager for a gentle cuddle or a lazy afternoon in your lap.

The Shorkie

The Shorkie itself is a more recent addition to the canine world. This hybrid breed began gaining popularity in the early 2000s, capturing the hearts of dog lovers looking for a small, affectionate, and spirited companion. The goal was to create a breed that encapsulated the best qualities of both the Yorkie and the Shih Tzu – the courage and energy of the former, and the affectionate, gentle nature of the latter. Today, Shorkies are celebrated for their delightful mix of traits, making them ideal companions for a variety of lifestyles and families.

Physical Appearance of Shorkies

The Shorkie, a charming crossbreed between the Shih Tzu and Yorkshire Terrier, boasts a unique physical appearance that captivates everyone who meets them. Let’s delve into the distinctive features that make Shorkies stand out in the world of small breeds.

Size and Build

Shorkies are quintessentially small dogs, but what they lack in size, they make up for in personality. They typically weigh between 4 to 11 pounds and stand about 5 to 9 inches tall at the shoulder. Their build is compact and sturdy, giving them a robust and well-proportioned appearance. I’ve always been amazed at how these little dogs carry themselves with such confidence and poise, embodying a perfect balance of both their parent breeds.

Coat and Color

One of the most striking features of a Shorkie is their luxurious coat. It’s usually long and silky, resembling the Yorkie’s fine hair, but can sometimes have the slight wave or curl characteristic of the Shih Tzu. Shorkies come in a variety of colors, including black, tan, brown, and white. Some have a mix of colors, inheriting the diverse color palette of their parent breeds. Their coats require regular grooming to keep them looking their best, and many owners enjoy styling their Shorkie’s hair in various cute and fashionable ways.

Facial Features

The face of a Shorkie is truly adorable, often featuring the big, expressive eyes of the Shih Tzu and the sharp, intelligent expression of the Yorkie. Their eyes are usually dark and sparkling, conveying a sense of curiosity and friendliness. The muzzle is typically shorter, inheriting the Shih Tzu’s brachycephalic (flat-faced) traits, but not as pronounced, thanks to the Yorkie’s influence. This blend gives them a sweet, appealing expression that’s hard to resist.

Ears and Tail

Shorkies typically have small, V-shaped ears that can either stand up like a Yorkie’s or flop down like a Shih Tzu’s. This variation depends largely on their genetic makeup. Their tails are often carried high and have a good amount of hair, adding to their cheerful appearance. I’ve noticed that a Shorkie’s tail is often a blur of motion, wagging rapidly in a display of their friendly and outgoing nature.

Personality and Temperament of Shorkies

Shorkies, with their captivating charm and vibrant personalities, are more than just adorable; they’re a bundle of joy and surprises. Let’s explore the traits that make these dogs such wonderful companions.

Playful and Energetic

The energy of a Shorkie is nothing short of remarkable. These little dynamos are always ready for a game, exuding a playfulness that’s both endearing and infectious. Their enthusiasm for life is evident in every excited wag of their tail and every playful leap. It’s this spirited nature that makes them such delightful companions, constantly reminding us of the joy to be found in simple moments.

Loyal and Affectionate

The loyalty of Shorkies is profound. They’re not just pets; they’re devoted companions, often seen shadowing their owners with a heart full of affection. Their love for cuddles and close contact is a testament to their warm and loving temperament. There’s a special kind of comfort in having a Shorkie snuggle up on your lap, offering their companionship and affection freely.

Intelligent and Trainable

Shorkies are surprisingly smart, a trait that makes them highly trainable. Their quick learning ability, combined with a desire to please, means they can master commands and tricks with relative ease. This intelligence, however, also means they need consistent mental engagement. Puzzle toys and interactive play are great ways to stimulate their active minds and keep them happily engaged.

Social but Sometimes Stubborn

These dogs are social butterflies, enjoying interactions with both humans and other pets. They thrive in social settings, making them ideal for families and active households. However, they can exhibit a streak of stubbornness, likely a trait inherited from their Yorkshire Terrier lineage. This stubbornness is a charming reminder of their individuality and spirited character.

How to Care for a Shih Tzu Yorkie

Caring for a Shih Tzu Yorkshire Terrier Mix is as much about understanding their unique needs as it is about enjoying their vibrant personalities. Let’s delve into the essentials of keeping these adorable companions both happy and healthy.

Nutrition and Diet

In my time working with Shorkies, I’ve noticed their penchant for food. These little dogs can be quite the gourmets, relishing their meals with great enthusiasm. A balanced, high-quality diet tailored to their small size and energy levels is crucial. It’s tempting to give in to those big, pleading eyes, but overfeeding is a common pitfall. I always recommend sticking to a structured feeding schedule with controlled portions. And remember, treats are great for bonding and training, but moderation is key to avoid weight issues.

Puppy feeds should ideally be split into 4 meals per day; Shorkie puppies are no different. Once they are 6 months or older, this is generally reduced to 2 meals per day for the rest of their life.

On average, food consumption for adult Yorkies range from 200 to 320 calories.

Familiarize yourself with pet food labeling rules and regulations to ensure you are feeding high-quality dog food – this could be dry, wet, dehydrated, or raw.

Exercise and Play

Shorkies may be small, but their energy levels can surprise you. They don’t necessarily need extensive exercise routines, but daily walks and playful activities are essential. During my interactions with Shorkies at the park, I’ve seen how much they enjoy a good stroll or a spirited play session. It’s not just about physical exercise; it’s about mental stimulation and bonding too.

Indoor activities are equally important, especially for mental stimulation. Puzzle toys and interactive games can keep their minds active and engaged. It’s delightful to see a Shorkie’s eyes light up when they figure out a new game or find a hidden treat. These activities are not just fun; they’re crucial for their overall well-being.

Grooming Needs

Grooming is a big part of a Shorkie’s life. Their luxurious coats, inherited from both parent breeds, require regular maintenance. Brushing not only helps to keep their fur mat-free but also strengthens the bond between you and your Shorkie. Many Shorkies I’ve groomed seem to enjoy the attention and the soothing nature of a gentle brushing session.

Bathing, nail trimming, ear cleaning, and dental care are all part of a comprehensive grooming routine. Each session is an opportunity to check for any health issues like skin irritations or ear infections. Regular grooming not only ensures they look their best but also plays a crucial role in their overall health and comfort.

Tips for Training Shorkies

Training a Shorkie can be both a delightful challenge and a rewarding experience. With their bright minds and playful spirits, these little dogs can learn quickly, but they also have a streak of independence. Here are some tips I’ve gathered from my experiences and observations that can make training your Shorkie both effective and enjoyable.

Start Training Early

The key to training a Shorkie, like with most dogs, is to start early. Puppies are like sponges, eager to soak up new experiences and learn. I’ve always found that young Shorkies respond well to positive reinforcement and consistent training sessions. Even simple commands like ‘sit’ or ‘stay’ can lay a great foundation for more advanced training later on.

Keep Training Sessions Short and Fun

Training sessions should be short, sweet, and enjoyable. Shorkies have short attention spans but are full of energy. By keeping sessions brief and engaging, you’ll hold their interest without overwhelming them. Incorporating play into training is a great way to keep them interested. I’ve often used toys and games to teach commands, turning learning into a fun and interactive experience.

Be Consistent and Patient

Consistency is crucial when training a Shorkie. They might be small, but they have strong personalities and can sometimes be stubborn. Maintaining a consistent approach and being patient with them is important. It’s about finding that balance between firmness and kindness. I’ve seen Shorkies respond well to routine; they thrive when they know what to expect.

Socialize Your Shorkie

Socialization is a part of training that’s often overlooked. Exposing your Shorkie to different people, animals, and environments can greatly impact their behavior and temperament. I’ve seen Shorkies become well-rounded and adaptable dogs through regular, positive social interactions. It helps them build confidence and reduces anxiety in new situations.

Health Problems Among Shorkies

Shorkies, a delightful mix of Shih Tzu and Yorkshire Terrier, inherit some health predispositions from their parent breeds. Understanding these issues in detail can help in providing the best care for these endearing companions.

Dental Issues

Shorkies often struggle with dental problems due to their small mouths, leading to overcrowding of teeth. This overcrowding can cause a buildup of plaque and tartar, leading to gum disease and tooth decay. Their teeth alignment also makes them susceptible to periodontal diseases, which can have broader health implications if left untreated.

  • Regular dental check-ups with a veterinarian
  • Daily teeth brushing using dog-specific toothpaste
  • Dental chews and toys to promote gum health
  • Limit sugary treats to prevent tooth decay

Respiratory Issues

Shorkies may experience respiratory issues such as collapsed trachea, a condition where the tracheal rings weaken and flatten, making it difficult for them to breathe. Another concern is brachycephalic airway syndrome, common in small breeds, characterized by short noses and flat faces, leading to breathing difficulties.

  • Avoid hot and humid environments
  • Choose a harness over a collar to reduce pressure on their throat
  • Keep them at a healthy weight to lessen respiratory stress
  • Regular veterinary check-ups to monitor their breathing and lung health


Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, is especially a risk in smaller breeds like the Shorkie. It can be caused by missing meals, overexertion, or stress. Symptoms include lethargy, shakiness, and in severe cases, seizures. It’s particularly crucial to monitor puppies, as they are more prone to this condition.

  • Regular, balanced meals and snacks
  • Monitor for symptoms of lethargy or shaking
  • Keep a glucose supplement on hand, as recommended by a vet
  • Regular vet visits to check blood sugar levels

Joint Issues

Joint issues such as patellar luxation are common in Shorkies. This condition involves the kneecap slipping out of its normal position, which can cause pain and lameness. Continuous luxation can lead to arthritis or other joint problems over time.

  • Maintain a healthy weight to reduce stress on joints
  • Regular exercise to strengthen muscles around the joints
  • Joint supplements, as recommended by a veterinarian
  • Regular vet visits for joint health assessments

Eye Problems

Shorkies are prone to various eye problems, such as cataracts, where the eye lens becomes opaque, and dry eye, characterized by reduced tear production. These conditions can lead to discomfort and, if left untreated, vision loss.

  • Regular vet visits for eye examinations
  • Keep their face hair trimmed to avoid irritation
  • Monitor for signs of discomfort or changes in vision
  • Administer prescribed eye drops or medications as needed

The Cost of Owning a Shorkie

Embracing a Shorkie into your life brings with it a variety of costs. Understanding these expenses is key to ensuring you can provide a loving and stable environment for your furry friend. Here are some estimated costs associated with owning a Shorkie.

Initial Costs

  • Purchase or Adoption Fees: Buying a Shorkie from a breeder may cost anywhere from $300 to $1,500, depending on various factors like lineage and location. Adoption fees are generally lower, often around $50 to $300, which may include initial vaccinations and spaying/neutering.
  • Initial Veterinary Visits: The first health check-ups and vaccinations can cost around $100 to $300.
  • Spaying or Neutering: If not included in the adoption fee, this can range from $150 to $400.
  • Essential Supplies: For items like a bed, collar, leash, and feeding bowls, you might spend approximately $100 to $200 initially.

Ongoing Costs

  • Dog Food and Treats: High-quality dog food for a small breed like a Shorkie can cost about $20 to $40 per month.
  • Routine Veterinary Care: Annual check-ups, vaccinations, and preventive medications can amount to $200 to $600 yearly.
  • Grooming: Professional grooming, which Shorkies often need due to their coat type, can cost around $30 to $70 per session, and they may need grooming every 4 to 6 weeks.
  • Miscellaneous Expenses: Including toys, replacement bedding, and other supplies, you might spend an additional $50 to $100 annually.

Health Care Costs

  • Dental Care: Regular dental cleanings, which are important for Shorkies, can cost around $200 to $300.
  • Treatment for Health Issues: Treating hereditary problems such as respiratory or joint issues can vary greatly in cost, potentially ranging from a few hundred to several thousand dollars.

Training and Socialization

  • Training Classes: Basic obedience classes can range from $50 to $200, depending on the course length and type.


  • Pet Insurance: Monthly premiums for a Shorkie might range from $20 to $50, depending on the coverage.

FAQs about Shorkies

Are Shorkies good apartment dogs?

Yes, Shorkies are excellent for apartment living. Their small size and moderate exercise needs make them well-suited to smaller living spaces, as long as they get their daily dose of walks and play.

Do Shorkies get along with other pets?

Generally, Shorkies are quite sociable and can get along well with other pets, especially if socialized early. Their friendly nature makes them good companions for both dogs and cats.

How long do Shorkies live?

Shorkies typically enjoy a long lifespan, often living between 11 to 16 years. With proper care, a balanced diet, and regular veterinary check-ups, they can lead a healthy and full life.

Are Shorkies hypoallergenic?

Shorkies are often considered a better option for allergy sufferers, though no dog is completely hypoallergenic. They have hair that is more like human hair, which usually produces fewer allergens. Regular grooming is essential to keep dander at bay.

How often should I bathe my Shorkie?

It’s best to bathe a Shorkie every 3 to 6 weeks. Bathing frequency depends on their coat and activity level, but it’s important not to over-bathe to maintain their natural skin oils.

Can Shorkies be left alone?

Shorkies can handle being alone for short periods, but they prefer company. Extended alone time can lead to separation anxiety. Providing engaging toys and activities can help keep them entertained when you’re not around.

Do Shorkies have separation anxiety?

Yes, they do! They will always find a way for you to stroke, kiss, and sit with them as they never really want to be on their own for long. If you aren’t home for many hours every day, you may want to get another pet to keep your puppy entertained while you are away.

Are Shorkies easy to train?

Shorkies are intelligent and can be relatively easy to train. They respond well to positive reinforcement and consistent training methods. Patience and persistence are key.

So, Is a Shorkie the Right Dog for You?

Choosing the right canine companion is a bit like finding a new best friend; it has to be the perfect match. From my experience, Shorkies, with their charming personalities and endearing looks, can easily win over hearts. But, it’s not just about falling for that adorable face; it’s about understanding their specific needs and seeing if they align with your lifestyle. These little dogs pack a lot of love and energy into a small package, but they also require a certain kind of environment to truly thrive.

Shorkie is For

  • Families and Individuals Seeking a Companion: If you’re longing for a furry friend who loves to cuddle and interact, Shorkies are a fantastic choice. They adore being around people and have a lot of affection to give.
  • Those Living in Apartments or Small Homes: Living in a snug space? No problem! Shorkies are ideal for smaller living areas due to their size and exercise needs.
  • Allergy Sufferers: Known to be more hypoallergenic, Shorkies are a great option for those who have dog allergies but can’t resist having a pup.
  • First-time Dog Owners: Navigating the world of dog ownership for the first time? Shorkies are friendly, relatively easy to train, and adaptable, making them a good choice for newbies.

Shorkie Isn’t For

  • Families with Very Young Children: The delicate nature of Shorkies might not mix well with the enthusiastic play of little kids. They need a gentle touch.
  • Highly Active Individuals Seeking an Athletic Companion: If your idea of fun involves high-energy activities like long-distance running, a Shorkie might find it hard to keep up. They’re more about short strolls and playful frolics.
  • Those Away from Home Frequently: Shorkies crave company and can get anxious if left alone too much. If you’re someone with a hectic, away-from-home lifestyle, a Shorkie might struggle with the lack of companionship.

About John Woods 299 Articles
John Woods is the founder of All Things Dogs, member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers, graduate in Animal Behavior & Welfare and recognized author by the Dog Writers Association of America.


  1. I have a sassy but loving shorkie. Very protective and never leaves my side. In the training process and it’s very stressful. Overall, would get another one in a heartbeat!

    • I hope you don’t mind a hint! I got a Shorky puppy six months ago and she’s very well potty trained now. I realized knew how smart she was, and that she barks at me when she’s bored. I decided to put 2 and 2 together. Every time she barked at me I would say “Out!?” And Immediately head to the door to take her outside. If she wouldn’t let me pick her up, (which the little independent sass won’t always let me do) I’d continue to say the word “OUT” in a nice way, as I walked to the door myself. She would follow me, and knew immediately that the door was going to open. I was trying to get her to stop barking at me, and it had the side effect of potty training her! Of course I heap praise on her and get all excited whenever she pottyed, and she loves it. I was playing with her once, and I barked at her. Guess what happened? She turned and looked at the door as though it was time for me to go out! Now, I not only give her praise when she’s doing something right, I also give her a new word. She’s learning to fetch! If she’d only stop backing away when I need to pick her up…

  2. Hello, I am new to the Shorkie, small dog breed. Always had big dogs. We have a year old Shorkie and he is adorable. Just having issues with nutrition. He is scratching his ears constantly in yelping which I understand could be a yeast allergy. I’ve had him on Royal Canine (chicken base) he seems to be biting his paws. I’ve had him on Nulo limited ingrediants (Salmon base) he seems to be scratching his ears worse. So I’m thinking he has a fish/yeast allergy and trying to find a food that he can eat. Try taste of the wild venison doesn’t like currently looking at core by wellness. Most dog foods have salmon meal in them. Does anybody have any suggestions?

    • Hi Shelli, great question. Sorry to hear your Shorkie is having nutritional issues, I will leave this comment here in hope that someone can help you.

    • I have a Shorkie. She is four years old. She eats Orijen and has never had any issues. As a puppy she ate Fromm. She eats the Orijen Six Fish kind. You can try Orijen Original and ask your vet for assistance.

    • We feed our yorkies Natural Balance food. They react to corn and sugar isn’t good for them. Hope this helps.

    • I Had a ShihTzu with very similar problems. There were a couple of things that really helped. One was making sure that her food was a lamb base. I tried going to all natural dog foods, and every single one of them made her itch and chew! I had to go back to Iams or Neutro. I was fortunate to have a Dermatologist Veterinarian nearby (surprisingly no more expensive than my regular vet). He was able to treat her itching and only one treatment! She always had a sensitive stomach, but as long as I stayed with the lamb diet and took her once a year to the dermatologist, she was great.

    • Hey, my dog didn’t like royal canine at all. I have a 10 month old named Tip-Toe. She’s literally our pride and joy, but she’s such a picky eater! Just bought wellness and I have to say it’s the best food so far, she eats it right down! I got the pink one, made for toy breeds because my dog is literally 4 lb. Good Luck!

    • Hi Shelli. I have a 7yr shorkie since a pup. Was having some similar problems, and then on a recommendation by the vet I changed his food to a brand called Fromm about 3 years ago and haven’t had a problem since. I’ve also learned that I need to rinse him extra well and to be sure I dry him well after bathing.

    • Hi shelli E. I have the same problem with my puppy i don’t know now if it her food that’s doing it so if you get a reply on this I’d love to here about it
      Thanks Annie

    • Have your pet checked for ear mites. My new puppy was scratching and shaking her head a lot. They gave me drops and with the first application, she stopped scratching.

    • Hi Shelly our shorkie eats
      Ultra woodlands
      Many different flavours I add water to it she eats it no problem !
      No issues either she’s going on 6 months

  3. I give my Shorkie Merrick grain free chicken dry food. He’s 6 years old and I noticed years ago that the grain free options in foods were better for him. As far as yeast goes. I keep monistat creams in stock at home. My boy has been prone to ear infections from yeast. He currently has a little yeast on his paw pads and I’m treating that too. In our 6 years together that’s been about the only issue I have had with him though so to me that’s pretty low on the
    maintaince scale. Hope this helps.

    • Sarena – what brand of chicken grain free food do you prefer?
      We have just had our 13 wk shorkie for a few days and the previous owner passed on their food and treats. There is something that makes her itch.

    • Please, please dont feed your fur babies grain free food. I had been feeding my 3 yr old shihtzu that and he died. Grain free food causes taurine-deficient (nutritional) dilated cardiomyopathy. Now Im having my other 3 yr old shihtzu is having all kinds of testing in hopes he doesnt have it. Go on the link and read for yourself.

      • Completely true!! My boss owns an animal nutrition store for 30 years now in Chicago and has been AGAINST grain free diets for years now. Grain free diets can cause heart issues in dogs. The problem with kibble is that grains (which is the binder) needs to be heated to extremely high temperatures in order for it to be digestible. Companies that make kibble mix ingredients together first and then heat it to extremely high temps in order for that grain to cook and be digestible.

    • Lack of grain in their diet has been said to cause heart issues. According vet conferences, many dogs on grain free diets are passing, due to heart problems. I’m not sure if pumpkin and sweet potatoes can take the grains place as a supplement for lack of grain.

  4. My Shorkie is 10 and has always had an eating problem. He’s never really felt like taking time to eat. As far as veggies go though he’s an addict.
    He was a wild crazed maniac for his first year. I had a brand new mattress that as I slept he ate a tunnel through. Then out of nowhere, he just stopped and took in the sights. He never had even 1 accident on carpet, always made his way into bathroom by toilet. People look at Augie and feel he’s one of the smartest dogs theyve ever seen. The most difficult thing to do is leave for work knowing that he’s literally grieving my loss until I return. Trust me when I say take care of yourself for their sake because they would not relax until you return. So I’d not suggest for someone very old.

  5. We have a 5yr old who is everything the breed specs say and more,allways had spaniels previously and infact this little one was bought as a companion dog for our cavalier,she is the sweetest most gentle creature,but crazy about her family and was madly in love with her cavalier friend,took 2 days to house train as she took the lead from the cavalier copied her,shes so bright and so willing to please,on walks she tends to mind her own buisness will go up to strangers but realy doesnt want them to touch her prefering to be allways alongside us.I would recomend this mix everytime.

  6. We absolutely love our Gold Shorkie, she’s the cutest thing ever. She’s around 12 pounds so that seems higher than average but she’s not overweight per our vet. We got her at 6 months old when her previous owner could not keep her. Initial training had some challenges but she’s completely house trained with no issues. We have a male cat and male Boxer and she has fit in perfectly. She loves playing with the cat and is a real trooper on our daily walks. Her little legs have so much energy! She loves to sit on our laps and sleeps with us every night. She needs plenty of toys and loves to chew them regularly. She also loves all the children in our neighborhood and loves to see them. All I can say is this dog has been a bundle of joy ever since we got her.

  7. Hi guys,
    I have a 5 month old shorkie, stubborn little guy when it comes to training and housebreaking. Any advice on a first time owner?

    Thank you in advance.

    • Hi Bart,
      Yes they can be unbelievably stubborn. My advice would be to consistently use positive reinforcement techniques and use them in short, but, frequent training sessions. Use lots of play and reward to help build a strong bond too. I’ll leave this comment here incase any owners or breeders want to add some breed specific advice.

      • My little Shorkie only took a few days to housebreak… I use routine, positive reinforcement, and I hung his harness on a hook with bells on it, when he wants to go out he rings the bells.

  8. Just got our 3 month old shorkie, Kodi last week. I cant remember the last time my husband, daughter and I laughed so much as this little guy runs and follows us everywhere. Live in NE PA and it’s been too frigid and icy to take him out yet, but he has been pretty successful at going on wee wee pads. Despite many chew toys, he still managed to ruin an area rug by biting and chewing off the binding edge and releasing particles all over. Any suggestions to deal with teething issues. We bought a little bed, but took it away as he was scratching and biting it so much, we were afraid he would RIP it and eat the stuffing.

    • My shorkie travelled the world with me, his name was Gucci (after the shoes he ate as a pup) he was with me 15 years, he was a chewy little guy and the loss of some of my favorite (some expensive) shoes and one Persian carpet from Shiraz, various furniture edges and even the corner of a wall once, he was incurable until a trip to Kazakhstan where we saw half feral dogs become pacified over a substance called Yak Cheese, we bought tons of it and he was satisfied with leaving my things alone for this chewy. Amazon now carries it but for decades Yak was my dirty little doggie secret for the Shorky; I call it, Yakkity Yak don’t bite back solution.

    • Hi Elle,

      Good luck searching for your Shorkie, we have nearly finished collecting a list of recommended breeders. If you subscriber to the All Things Dogs email newsletter you will get an email when the list is ready/

    • [email protected]
      Her name is Penni, she has dogs listed on I just bought a male 10 weeks from her named Judah, they are healthy and loved. Very small breeder, no puppy mill here. Act fast, they go quickly.

  9. Just started training my 6 week old, little girl…
    I’m working towards a full service dog for a PTSD patient. I’ve had therapy dogs before, but this little companion, has done wonders already. I do think this breed would be great for elderly, or isolated people, as they are low maintenance and loyal companions.

    • I rescued my shorkie from a shelter a few years ago. The thing I have come to love most about her is how she immediately jumps in my lap and paws/licks and lick me the second I cry or get upset. She is the most comforting companion I have ever had in my life. She doesn’t like it when either one of us is in a high stress situation. If I am not in a relaxed state then she can’t relax!

  10. I am having problems finding a dog food my shorkie will eat. Any suggestions? She is 8moths old and we have had her spayed.

    • My Shorkie ate Verus brand dog food from a puppy to 4 years old. We moved to Arkansas from Delaware and no place in Arkansas sells it. I absolutely loved this food for her and she enjoyed it as well. The company was willing to shop directly with purchasing several bags but I cannot afford it. In the meantime she eats Rachel Rays Peak brand with lamb, duck and pheasant (I believe).

    • Our 4 month old male, Moses, has been eating Wellness brand food (dry, and a wet)since we brought him home at 11 weeks. We’ve had no food aversion, or skin issues thus far.
      He’s a charming little man that fits right in with our nine year old standard Poodle brothers, and two year old Havachon mix.

    • Our Shorkie has done great over the past 7 years with Authority Lamb and Rice for Small Breeds.
      Have bought Blue Buffalo Chicken a couple times and it is nice as well, but more expensive.

  11. I just returned home from a vacation. While there, a fell in love with another vacationers shorkie. Adorable! and Sweet! I’d love advice on where to find one. My previous dog was a sweet shitzu poodle mix.

    • Where are you located? I’m picking mine up this weekend and they still have three more that they are trying to rehome.

      • I have also been looking for a shorkie and I’m located in Eastvale California . Please send pics of the dogs if there are still available. Thank you

  12. I have a almost 4 month old Shih Tzu female she is perfect I’ve contacted the breeder and she has shorkie puppies that I’m thinking of adding to the family. Lily so far has been pretty easy to train loves my cats and play and chase each other she doesn’t bark much loves car rides I’m so happy with her

  13. We have a wonderful little Shorkie, our neighbor had a sweet little long haired chihuahua. The Chihuahua started following our Shorkie on our walks and fell madly in love with him. Consequently, we now are the proud owner of a Chihuahua also! So you see even other dogs love them! We got our Shorkie from a lady who had to my great delight had to give him up! I couldn’t believe my luck. We live in Knoxville Tennessee and would love to meet any other Shorkie owners here. Our little Taco is 4 years old.

  14. I’ve had my Shorkie for 8 years, He is the love of my life. He only barks when someone knocks on the door he housebroke in 4 days when outside he will not get out of site. At our new home if he gets close to neighbors fence I say that’s far enough he turns around. I’ve had him since he was six weeks old he knows when I’m going to have a seizure because he gets in front of me tries to stop me. I could go on forever about the things he does it amazes me.

  15. It’s me again! After reading the article more thoroughly, I have to disagree with one of your points! My Taco is one of if not the smartest dog I ever had, and trust me, I had a lot when my children were growing up! I had everything from a Chihuahua to Saint Bernard’s! But, I have to say my Shorkie is the smartest of the entire bunch! He knows more words than a 3 year old! He is smart to the point that we now have to spell what we don’t want him to hear!

  16. I am new to owning a Shorkie. I learned quickly that this is a very intelligent dog and he hears everything-and understands most things. Even when deer come through the yard at night, he starts barking. The previous owner had him on a bad diet where he would just give him table scraps. When I first got him, he would look at his dry dog food and not eat it. After he discovered that I wasn’t going to feed him anything else he started eating. Now he is on the perfect breakfast and dinner schedule. I love that he was trained to go outside way before I got him. When it’s time to poop, he runs way down into the back of the yard–far away from the house. I’m excited to learn more about this dog. He is very friendly and very social dog. He loves attention, loves to be petted and loves to take walks through the neighborhood.

  17. Fromm Puppy food is excellent. I have a 12 week male Shorkie who loves it. My Havenese has been eating Fromm for 4 years and she loves it as well. Her system is balanced.

  18. Just got little 8 week old female Shorkie. Her mom is a Miniature ShihTzu. She is BEAUTIFUL. Hope she won’t get very big.

  19. We just rehomed a 4 month old Shorkie. He is gorgeous and full of life. Getting a handle on potty training. We have had Spaniels and this is first small baby we have had. No regrets. He is perfect.

  20. I could use some advice. We got 3 puppies 2 shorkies and a chorkie, we knew that they were feisty, protective and energetic. They suited our household perfectly. The only problem was the cats, but they amazed us and they all get on so well. One of the shorkies is lovely, she’s easily trained and is learning agility at the moment. But the other is a total nightmare, she attacks the other two, she goes for us occasionally, and isn’t potty trained. She’s aggressive towards others over food, they are all fed in separate crates. And we’ve treated them all the same, fed at the same time, walked at the same time and trained the same way, is there anything we can do?

    • Hi Emily,

      Have you had her checked over by the Veterinarian to rule out any health issues that could be causing the grumpy behavior? You say she’s aggressive over food, but you feed them separately? How do you mean she’s aggressive over food?

      What usually triggers he behavior to the other dogs? It could be worth keeping a diary to see what’s going on. How do you respond to her behaviour? Were the two shorkies from the same litter? Where was the Chorkie from?

      Some more information would help us to understand what is going on, alternatively seek help from a qualified behaviourist in your area.

  21. We have a one year old Shorkie. She is a very lovable, sweet lap dog. She can be extremely active and loves to play. She loves everyone especially my one year old grandson. Our biggest issue is separation anxiety. We have tried multiple strategies with a little success. Although I was used to Shih Tzus with a more laid back personalty, I love this little dog and wouldn’t trade her for anything!

  22. I just lost my little teacup Shorkie. Gizmo. I will be looking or another male later. Could you please keep me updated informed on puppies and full grown.

  23. I have a Shorkie that is 7 years old, a male and he has seizures he is 9 pounds. Do you have any recommendations for his care right now my vet has provided him with meds but is there anything else that would help?

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