Mountain Cur: Getting to Know This Versatile and Energetic Dog

a cute curious brindle mountain cur puppy sees the camera for the first time

Picture this: a loyal companion with boundless energy, a knack for hunting, and a heart as big as the mountains they’re named after. Intrigued? You should be! Join me on a journey as we delve into the fascinating world of Mountain Curs, a dog breed whose lineage echoes through the rugged expanse of the Appalachian Mountains. These magnificent canines boast a heritage as storied as the peaks they’re named after, but their charm extends far beyond their mountainous roots. From their distinctive appearance to their unwavering loyalty, Mountain Curs epitomizes the essence of a true canine companion.

Mountain Cur Quick Summary

Breed typeWorking dog
Height16–26 inches
Weight30–60 pounds
CoatShort double coat
ColorBlack, blue, brindle, brown, red, or yellow with white, tan, or brindle markings
SheddingMinimal to moderate
PersonalityIntelligent, strong-willed, protective, work-driven, reserved
Lifespan14–16 years
Exercise needsAt least 1 hour of exercise daily
Food needs2–3 cups of dog food daily
Known health conditionsEar infections, sensitive skin, ticks


Mountain Curs are a breed as versatile as they come. Originally bred for hunting purposes, they’re known for their keen sense of smell, impressive agility, and unwavering determination when it comes to tracking down game. But don’t let their hunting prowess fool you—these pups are just as comfortable curling up on the couch for a cuddle session as they are out in the field chasing after prey.

One of the most striking things about Mountain Curs is their appearance. Picture a sturdy, muscular body draped in a short, dense coat that comes in a variety of colors, from brindle to black to yellow. And let’s not forget those soulful eyes that seem to gaze right into your heart.

Mountain Curs belong to a special group known as the “cur” breeds, which are renowned for their hunting abilities and versatile skills. The cur group includes breeds like the Black Mouth Cur, the Treeing Cur, and of course, our beloved Mountain Cur.

Origin and History

Let’s take a trip back in time and uncover the fascinating origins of the Mountain Cur breed. It’s like stepping into a time machine and zooming back to the days of early settlers in the rugged Appalachian Mountains.

Tracing the Roots of the Mountain Cur Back to Early Settlers in the Appalachian Mountains

Imagine this: pioneers carving out a life for themselves in the untamed wilderness of Appalachia. Among them were some of the earliest ancestors of our beloved Mountain Curs. These dogs were the unsung heroes of the frontier, helping their human companions hunt, protect livestock, and navigate the treacherous terrain.

As settlers spread across the region, so too did their trusty canine companions. Mountain Curs became an integral part of life in the mountains, earning a reputation for their unmatched hunting skills and unwavering loyalty to their owners.

Evolution of the Breed’s Characteristics and Traits Over Time

Mountain Cur with Brindle Coat

Now, let’s fast forward a bit and talk about how the breed has evolved over the years. Like any good story, the tale of the Mountain Cur is one of adaptation and resilience.

As they mingled with other breeds and encountered new challenges, Mountain Curs began to develop the unique characteristics that we know and love today. Their keen sense of smell, sharp intelligence, and fearless demeanor were honed through generations of selective breeding and practical experience in the wild.

Cultural and Historical Significance of Mountain Curs in Hunting and Farming Communities

But it’s not just their hunting prowess that sets Mountain Curs apart—it’s also their deep-rooted cultural and historical significance. These dogs were more than just working animals; they were beloved members of the family and symbols of resilience in the face of adversity.

In hunting and farming communities, Mountain Curs were valued not only for their ability to track game but also for their unmatched loyalty and companionship. They were there to lend a helping paw when times were tough and to celebrate the victories alongside their human counterparts.

Cur Puppy
The appearance of a Mountain Cur will vary because of the five breeding lines.

Five Breeding Lines of Mountain Curs

Mountain Curs are often classified into five distinct breeding lines, each with its own set of characteristics and traits. These lines include:

  • Old-Time Mountain Cur: Known for their strong work ethic and versatility, Old-Time Mountain Curs are prized for their hunting abilities and intelligence. They typically have a muscular build and short, dense coat, with a keen sense of smell that makes them excellent trackers.
  • Squirrel Dog: As the name suggests, Squirrel Dogs are specialized in treeing squirrels and other small game. They are agile and quick, with a sharp instinct for tracking and treeing prey. Squirrel Dogs are highly valued by hunters for their efficiency in the field.
  • Yellow Black Mouth Cur: Yellow Black Mouth Curs are distinguished by their yellow coat and black muzzle, hence the name. They are known for their loyalty and protective nature, making them excellent watchdogs and family companions. Yellow Black Mouth Curs are also skilled hunters and trackers.
  • Treeing Cur: Treeing Curs excel in treeing game, particularly raccoons and other tree-dwelling animals. They have a strong prey drive and are relentless in their pursuit of quarry. Treeing Curs are intelligent and eager to please, making them suitable for a variety of tasks and activities.
  • Blue Lacy: While not technically a Mountain Cur, the Blue Lacy is often included in discussions of cur breeds due to its similar characteristics and origins. Blue Lacys are known for their striking blue coat and exceptional hunting abilities. They are intelligent, energetic, and highly trainable, making them popular choices for working and sporting purposes.

Each breeding line has its unique history and purpose, but all share the common traits of intelligence, athleticism, and loyalty that define the Mountain Cur breed as a whole.

Breed Characteristics

What makes the Mountain Cur breed truly one-of-a-kind? From their appearance to their personality quirks, these pups are packed with charm and charisma.

Physical Appearance and Defining Features

First things first, let’s talk about looks. Mountain Curs are a sight to behold, with their sturdy build and striking coat patterns. Picture a dog with a muscular physique, strong legs, and a tail that never seems to stop wagging.

Their coat comes in a variety of colors, from sleek black to vibrant brindle, and it’s usually short and dense, perfect for braving the elements. But perhaps the most captivating feature of all is their eyes—deep, soulful pools that seem to hold the wisdom of the mountains themselves.

illustration of different coat colors of mountain curTemperament and Personality Traits

Now, let’s get to the good stuff: personality! Mountain Curs are known for their friendly and outgoing nature, making them a hit at social gatherings and family outings. They’re also fiercely loyal to their owners, often forming deep bonds that last a lifetime.

But don’t let their friendly demeanor fool you—these dogs have a courageous streak a mile wide. Whether they’re tracking down game in the wilderness or standing guard over their territory, Mountain Curs are always up for a challenge.

Unique Abilities and Skills, Such as Treeing and Hunting

When it comes to skills, Mountain Curs are top of the class. Thanks to their strong hunting instincts and keen sense of smell, they excel at tracking down game of all shapes and sizes. But what really sets them apart is their ability to “tree” game, meaning they’ll chase their quarry up a tree and hold them there until their human hunting companions arrive.

It’s a skill that’s been honed over generations of selective breeding and practical experience in the wild, and it’s what makes Mountain Curs such valuable assets to hunters and outdoor enthusiasts alike.

Adaptability to Various Environments and Lifestyles

Last but not least, let’s talk about adaptability. Mountain Curs are as versatile as they come, equally at home in the great outdoors or curled up on the couch with their favorite humans. Whether you’re an avid hunter, a city dweller, or somewhere in between, these dogs have a knack for fitting right in.

Their adaptable nature also makes them great companions for families with children or other pets, as they’re usually eager to make new friends and join in on the fun. So no matter where life takes you, rest assured that your Mountain Cur will be right there by your side, ready for whatever adventure comes next.

Training and Socialization

The keys to unlocking your Mountain Cur’s full potential are training and socialization. These are crucial aspects of raising a well-rounded pup and trust me, they’ll make all the difference in the world.

Importance of Early Training and Socialization

Now, I can’t stress this enough: starting early is key when it comes to training your Mountain Cur. From the moment you bring them home, it’s important to establish clear boundaries and expectations to help them understand their role in the family.

For example, teaching them basic commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “come” not only makes your life easier but also helps keep them safe in various situations. And don’t forget about socialization! Introducing your pup to new people, animals, and environments from a young age will help prevent any unwanted behavior down the line.

Effective Training Methods Tailored to the Breed’s Intelligence and Independence

When it comes to training Mountain Curs, a little patience goes a long way. These dogs are incredibly intelligent and independent, which means they may be more inclined to test your limits from time to time. But fear not! With the right approach, you can channel their smarts and stubbornness into positive behaviors.

For example, using positive reinforcement techniques like treats and praise can work wonders in motivating your pup to learn new skills. And incorporating plenty of mental stimulation into their daily routine—think puzzle toys, obedience classes, and interactive games—will help keep their sharp minds engaged and their energy focused.

Tips for Managing and Channeling the Breed’s High Energy Levels

Ah, energy—the hallmark of every Mountain Cur. These dogs are known for their boundless enthusiasm and zest for life, which can be both a blessing and a challenge when it comes to training.

One tip for managing their energy levels is to provide plenty of opportunities for physical exercise. Whether it’s a brisk walk around the neighborhood, a game of fetch in the backyard, or a hike through the woods, regular activity is key to keeping your Mountain Cur happy and healthy.

But don’t forget about mental exercise, too! Engaging your pup’s brain with training sessions, puzzle toys, and interactive games will help tire them out and prevent any unwanted behavior stemming from boredom.

Establishing Boundaries and Consistency in Training

Now, let’s talk about the importance of establishing clear boundaries and maintaining consistency in your training regimen. Mountain Curs are smart cookies, but they also thrive on structure and routine.

One way to set boundaries is through crate training or using baby gates to limit access to certain areas of your home. This not only helps prevent any accidents or mischief while you’re away but also gives your pup a safe space to call their own.

Consistency is key when it comes to training your Mountain Cur. Make sure everyone in the household is on the same page when it comes to rules and expectations, and be sure to praise and reward good behavior consistently. This will help reinforce positive habits and make it easier for your pup to understand what’s expected of them.

Addressing Specific Training Challenges

Every dog is unique, and Mountain Curs are no exception. While they may be eager learners, they can also present their own set of training challenges.

For example, some Mountain Curs may have a strong prey drive, making them prone to chasing after small animals or wandering off during walks. To address this, it’s important to work on impulse control and recall training from an early age, gradually building up to off-leash walks in safe, controlled environments.

Additionally, Mountain Curs are known for their protective instincts, which can sometimes manifest as aggression towards strangers or other dogs. Proper socialization and exposure to a variety of people and situations can help mitigate this behavior, teaching your pup to differentiate between friend and foe.

By addressing these specific challenges head-on and tailoring your training approach to suit your Mountain Cur’s individual needs, you’ll set them up for success and ensure a harmonious relationship between pup and owner.

Health and Care

Mountain Cur

Taking care of your Mountain Cur’s health and well-being is essential to ensure they live a long, happy life by your side. Let’s delve into some key aspects of health and care for this wonderful breed.

Common Health Issues and Genetic Predispositions

Like all breeds, Mountain Curs may be prone to certain health issues and genetic predispositions. While they are generally healthy dogs, it’s important to be aware of potential concerns so you can take proactive steps to address them.

Some common health issues seen in Mountain Curs include hip dysplasia, patellar luxation, and certain eye conditions. Regular veterinary check-ups, a balanced diet, and maintaining a healthy weight can help mitigate the risk of these issues.

Nutritional Requirements and Dietary Considerations

Feeding your Mountain Cur a balanced and nutritious diet is crucial for their overall health and well-being. Look for high-quality dog food that is formulated to meet their specific nutritional needs based on factors such as age, size, and activity level.

Avoid overfeeding or feeding table scraps, as this can lead to obesity and other health problems. Instead, stick to a regular feeding schedule and monitor your dog’s weight and body condition to ensure they maintain a healthy physique.

Exercise Needs and Mental Stimulation

As mentioned earlier, Mountain Curs are an active breed that requires plenty of exercise to stay happy and healthy. Aim for at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day, which can include walks, runs, hikes, and interactive play sessions.

In addition to physical exercise, it’s important to provide your Mountain Cur with plenty of mental stimulation to keep their sharp minds engaged. Puzzle toys, training sessions, and scent games are great ways to challenge their intellect and prevent boredom.

Grooming Tips and Maintenance Routines

Mountain Curs have short, dense coats that are relatively low-maintenance compared to some other breeds. However, they do shed moderately throughout the year, so regular brushing with a slicker brush or grooming mitt can help minimize loose hair and keep their coat looking neat.

Additionally, be sure to trim your Mountain Cur’s nails regularly to prevent them from becoming overgrown and causing discomfort. Check their ears weekly for signs of infection or irritation, and brush their teeth regularly to maintain good oral hygiene.

By staying on top of your Mountain Cur’s health and care needs, you can ensure they lead a happy, healthy life full of adventure and companionship.

Lifestyle Considerations

When welcoming a Mountain Cur into your home, it’s important to consider their unique needs and lifestyle preferences. Let’s explore some key factors to remember when integrating a Mountain Cur into your family.

Suitable Living Arrangements for Mountain Curs, Including Urban and Rural Settings

Mountain Curs are adaptable dogs that can thrive in various living environments, from bustling city apartments to spacious rural homesteads. However, they do best in homes with access to outdoor space where they can run and play freely. If you live in an urban area, be sure to provide regular opportunities for exercise and mental stimulation to keep your Mountain Cur happy and healthy.

Activities and Hobbies that Complement the Breed’s Natural Instincts and Abilities

Mountain Curs are born hunters with a strong prey drive and keen sense of smell, so activities that tap into these instincts are sure to be a hit. Consider enrolling your pup in scent work classes, agility courses, or even organized hunting events to provide them with opportunities to hone their skills and burn off excess energy.

Integration into Family Life and Compatibility with Children and Other Pets

Mountain Curs are known for their friendly and outgoing nature, making them excellent canine companions for families with children and other pets. However, proper socialization from a young age is key to ensuring they get along well with everyone in the household. Teach children how to interact with dogs respectfully, and supervise interactions between your Mountain Cur and other pets until you’re confident they can coexist peacefully.

What is the Cost of Owning a Mountain Cur?

Considering the financial aspect of owning a Mountain Cur is crucial to ensure you can provide for your new furry friend’s needs. Let’s delve into the expected expenses and initial costs associated with bringing a Mountain Cur into your home.

Expected Expenses of Mountain Cur Owners

Owning a Mountain Cur comes with various expenses, including but not limited to:

  • Food: High-quality dog food suitable for Mountain Curs can cost between $20 to $60 per month, depending on the brand and size of your dog.
  • Veterinary Care: Regular check-ups, vaccinations, and preventive care can amount to around $200 to $400 annually.
  • Grooming: While Mountain Curs have low grooming needs, occasional grooming supplies and services such as nail trimming and ear cleaning may cost around $50 to $100 per year.
  • Training and Socialization: Investing in obedience classes or hiring a professional trainer can range from $100 to $500 depending on the duration and level of training required.
  • Toys and Accessories: Providing toys, bedding, leashes, and other accessories can cost approximately $100 to $200 initially, with additional expenses for replacements and upgrades over time.
  • Emergency Funds: It’s essential to set aside funds for unexpected veterinary expenses or emergencies, which may vary but should ideally amount to a few hundred dollars or more.

How Much Does a Mountain Cur Cost?

The initial cost of acquiring a Mountain Cur can vary depending on factors such as breeder reputation, pedigree, and geographic location. On average, you can expect to pay between $300 to $800 for a Mountain Cur puppy from a reputable breeder. Rescue organizations or shelters may offer Mountain Curs for adoption at a lower cost, typically ranging from $50 to $300.

Mountain Cur MixShould I Take Home a Mountain Cur?

Before deciding to bring a Mountain Cur into your home, it’s essential to consider whether this breed is the right fit for your lifestyle and circumstances.

Considerations for Prospective Owners

  • Activity Level: Mountain Curs are high-energy dogs that require plenty of exercise and mental stimulation. If you lead an active lifestyle and enjoy outdoor activities, a Mountain Cur may be a great match for you.
  • Commitment to Training: Mountain Curs are intelligent and independent, but they also require consistent training and socialization from a young age. If you’re willing to invest time and effort into training, a Mountain Cur can be a well-behaved and obedient companion.
  • Living Situation: Consider your living arrangements and whether they can accommodate a medium to large-sized dog with an active lifestyle. Mountain Curs can adapt to various environments, but access to outdoor space is ideal for their exercise needs.

FAQs about Mountain Cur

Let’s tackle some common questions about Mountain Curs to ensure you have all the information you need to make informed decisions about this amazing breed.

What is the typical lifespan of a Mountain Cur?

Mountain Curs typically have a lifespan of around 10 to 14 years. However, this can vary depending on factors such as genetics, diet, exercise, and overall health care.

Are Mountain Curs good with children and other pets?

Yes, Mountain Curs are generally known to be good with children and other pets, especially if they are properly socialized from a young age. However, it’s always important to supervise interactions between dogs and young children and to teach children how to properly interact with pets.

Do Mountain Curs require a lot of exercise?

Yes, Mountain Curs are an active breed that requires plenty of exercise to stay happy and healthy. Daily walks, playtime, and outdoor activities are essential to help them burn off excess energy and prevent boredom.

Are Mountain Curs easy to train?

Mountain Curs are intelligent and eager to please, which can make them relatively easy to train for experienced dog owners. However, they can also be independent and stubborn at times, so consistent training and positive reinforcement techniques are key.

Do Mountain Curs shed a lot?

Mountain Curs have short, dense coats that shed moderately throughout the year. Regular brushing can help minimize shedding and keep their coat looking healthy and shiny.

Are Mountain Curs suitable for apartment living?

While Mountain Curs can adapt to apartment living with proper exercise and mental stimulation, they are best suited to homes with access to outdoor space where they can run and play freely. Without enough exercise, they may become bored and restless, leading to unwanted behaviors.

Your Beloved Companion for Life

Bringing a Mountain Cur into your home can be a rewarding experience for both you and your new furry friend. However, it’s essential to carefully consider the financial commitment, time investment, and lifestyle compatibility before deciding to welcome a Mountain Cur into your family. With proper care, training, and love, a Mountain Cur can become a beloved companion and cherished member of your household for years to come.

About John Woods 299 Articles
John Woods is the founder of All Things Dogs, member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers, graduate in Animal Behavior & Welfare and recognized author by the Dog Writers Association of America.


  1. We have a pup that was a rescue and we were told he likely a Mountain Cur. Would love to know for sure. Do you know of someone we could at least send a picture to?

          • Hi yes it’s possible that we also have a Cut or Treeing Tennessee Hound. She was dropped off at a friend of mine house a few years ago. She wanted me to take her to the pound but I just couldn’t. So we have had her for 4 years. She was no older than 1 year old I say when we got her. She loves to climb, barks all the time at everything outside. She does get easily distracted with sense. But is very loyal. If she thinks she is in trouble she puts her head between my legs or lays between my legs. So funny. She is so funny to watch sometimes. We have another dog which is also female, a brindle Bully. She is older than Lucy , the Treeing hound.

          • We need some advice he is more than we expected both in intelligence and high energy with destructive tendencies. Need help.

        • I just did a DNA test on my little rescue pup. It came back on his fathers side he is Mountain Cur. I used Embark DNA testing and it only took about 3 weeks. Fun to find out….

    • We have a mountain cur as well. We were told she is a lab mastiff. NOT the case. Hazel is 4 months old and a great dog. Very intelligent..endless amounts of love, and playing fetch. Enjoy your pup

  2. Rescued a two year old Mountain Cur in August of 2018 just days before she was to be put down! She was a stray in Estill county Kentucky. Did not know what we had at first. This is the sweetest, intelligent, active dog we have ever had. She is brindle with black on the head, white tip on tail, white paws, and white on the neck and muzzle. People stop and comment on how beautiful she is all the time. We are so lucky to be with her.

  3. We have a 7 month old Mt Cur/Pitbull mix. He is very large in size, extremely intelligent, swift learner and wants nothing more than to please. He is very active, runs and jumps up trees. He is great with our young children and treats them like one of the pack – but in a very gentle way. LOVES attention and follows close behind at all times. This breed mix is a lot of work but he is already on his way to being one of the best dogs we’ve ever had.

  4. I found a very malnourished brindle hound in Central America a couple of years ago. She was so sweet and gentle, I fell in love with her and I decided to adopt her. Since bringing her home to Canada, I’d been told she was most likely a purebred mountain cur. She looks identical to the pictures of the brindle on this website. She is very intelligent, a fast learner, and loves to run mountain trails with me. She even treed a squirrel during one of our runs!

  5. I was wondering if you think my boy could be part Mountain Cur. He is a rescue. How do I post a photo?

  6. Hi, we adopted a rescue a few months ago and were told he’s a mix of lab/great dane/Australian cattle dog. After seeing this, this looks to be more his breed! Can you compare? I can send you a pic of him!

  7. We rescued a brindle cur about 3 years ago. He loves being in our family. He was so pitiful when we got him. Someone did a home cut job on his tail and he was so skinny and sad. Now he has 2 kids and a mom and dad that love his little high energy butt. Best choice we ever made.

  8. I have a three month old Mountain View Pup named Finn. He is the most loving pup. He is with me day and night, take him to our hardware store and everyone loves him. I will train him to hunt so he is active mentally and physically. We have three other dogs in our family so he interacts at work and home. People think he is a yellow lab till they see his ears and tail, and want to know what he is. Could not be happier.

  9. We have a now 2yr old believed to be Mt curr …. we were originally told she was black man blue healer mix but vet told us otherwise. Very quick learner yet very stubborn too. Good with our kids and tons of energy. Most protective dog I’ve ever had. But also loud protective bark at first but then big chicken when the person comes inside hahaha. Sleeps at my bed or the girls feet every single night big on cuddles thinks she’s a lab dog. Don’t know what the best brand is for sensitive skin shampoo for her would be? Any suggestions would be helpful.

  10. Have had 2 mountain curs, a male and female, girl pretty typical but male was a brindle and the gentlest dog ever. He would bring us chicken eggs and carry them around for hors without breaking them. Both great dogs, but you did have to keep them buzy.

  11. We rescued a dog from Texas that has a very unusual vocalization, which I call yodeling. Her build is very much like a cur. I cannot find any other breed that has this trait. Does a cur have this ability?

    • We rescued a pup from Kentucky, they guessed Catahoula leopard dog and lab… nope! He is 36% mountain cur, 14% husky, 10% min pin… the rest is a mash up of cattle dogs. He can yodel and sounds like he tries to talk.

    • Yes, that sounds like my mountain cur. She is a hunter, and will squall (yodel) on a hot track. She also “sings” for us when she greets us when we come home to her. I had another mountain cur who has since passed, and she had a regular LOUD chopping bark. They were quite the duet when they both joined in together!

  12. We rescued a pup from a shelter that came from Tennessee and was said to be a boxer mix. After getting him and looking over the vet records it was stated he was a MTN cur. We couldn’t be more happy with him. Duke loves to learn and super smart and such a good boy.

  13. We adopted a pair of sisters from the same litter. However they’re mixed with Jack Russell and quite amusing to look at. One has stronger features from the Jack Russell breed, so the head and ears make you doubt they’re sisters.

  14. Something has been catching our free range chickens. We need a friendly outside dog that will stay on our 12+ acres and protect our chickens. Well this breed be a roamer or a guardian?

    • We adopted a dog from the rescue. She’s amazing loving and fun – about 6 months old. After reading that they’re working dogs and need to constantly work, I’m wondering if I’m going to be able to keep her mind occupied. We live in the city and have a decent size yard with many dog parks to play.

  15. I have my first registered Mountain Cur puppy, Layla. Energy galore. We have 9 acres of land as well as a blue heeler and coonhound. Today Layla starts her 13th week of life. She learned to sit at eight and a half weeks.

  16. We recently adopted a dog that we were told is a Mountain Cur by the shelter she that rescued her. From what I’ve read she has many attributes of the Mountain Cur; but I think she might be a mix perhaps with some Feist. She is smaller than a pure bred Cur, Roxy is 18 months old weighing in at 39.30 lbs. We plan on DNA testing to see it we can get an idea of what other breeds she may have in her genetic line. We had her three weeks and she is a love.

  17. We have a registered Mountain Cur female that just had her 2nd litter. We kept a male from the first litter and he is very energetic and super smart. He learns commands and tricks quickly. Both are great family dogs. We are keeping a female from this 2nd litter too. All pups are registered and have been bred with other registered males. We have one female left to sell!

  18. Recently adopted a Mt. Cur alleged to be mixed with a Lab. I don’t see any Lab at all in her. She is bridle with a black muzzle. She is 3.5 months old, and very sweet, lovable and so expressive. She is learning the leash, and loves the dog park- it is part of our daily routine.

  19. My husband and I adopted a puppy in September from a shelter in Arkansas. They labeled his as a hound mix, but as I research a bit more, he resembles a Mountain Cur. I do think there are other breeds mixed in, but if I email a picture, could you help me identify if I’m on the right track?

  20. We Embark DNA tested our rescue. She’s 40% Mtn Cur and 40% Beagle and the balance are four different terriers. She looks like a large Jack Russell and all her brown patches are brindle. I could never have guessed her breed just by looking at her.

  21. I have a beautiful mountain cur. She is brindle with white front toes & chest. She is the kindest, most loyal and loving dog. She is wonderful with puppies, we do foster care & she is our ambassador to puppies. She is gentle & warm. She is great with children & other dogs. She did bring a squirrel in the house, her hunting instincts are fine! She loves to cuddle, is very affectionate & likes to get under the covers in bed & sleep right up against me. I adore my girl.

  22. Our Jaxson is a Mountain cur, 11 months now. He was abused by his previous owner and we rescued him. His previous owner threw him against the wall, broke his rib and I believe his right front leg was injured, although we are just noticing that. He is so loving, full of energy but at first was afraid to eat, be touched or tended to. He is now very attentive, loves running around our one acre at fast speeds, eats with a little provoking but he whines all the time. Is this normal or will it go away the longer he is with us. He will turn one on Valentines day and we are hoping that he grows more confident in us and in his environment.

    • I have a rescue that was also mistreated and is a whiner. We have done training, agility etc to get her confidence up and form stronger bond with me. I was told don’t think about their past think about right now and be aware of to much cuddling when she whines if there is nothing physically wrong with her. Was also told to teach her to express other needs ie potty, hunger by sitting by door or bowl instead of whining. 5 years later she is much better but still has her moments like if we are in a new environment or a person is to close to me. I have found cbd treats help with these anxieties

  23. I also rescued a mountain cur I thought she had pit in her till I found out she is a tennesee treeing brindle they are rare and only been around since the 60s look that breed up I believe yours is also she marked just like yours she is a beautiful dog and is very sweet and energetic she isnt quite 3 yet I got her from the humain society .

  24. We have a Mountain Cur, we have never heard of them in the UK until we got him, he was a direct adoption from Romania, he’s the smartest dog I’ve ever known, loyal and trustworthy, although a little stubborn at times.
    He will be 2 this year according to his passport.
    All the descriptions of Cur make us 99% sure of his breed, but having a DNAtest in the UK will show he is a mixed breed as the database isn’t familiar to his breed.
    He has a white feathery tip to his tail, long toes, good solid jawline, the most beautiful brindle markings with a white chest, nose always to the ground whilst walking and digs better than any machine

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