Pomchi: The Ultimate Owner’s Manual to This Small but Mighty Breed


Just last week, while walking my Bullmastiff in the park, we encountered a Pomchi that was barely the size of his head, yet had the courage to trot right up and greet him. It was a delightful sight that perfectly encapsulated the essence of the Pomchi: small in stature but with a fearless, outgoing spirit. This encounter reaffirmed why the Pomchi has captured the hearts of so many dog lovers, including myself.

Pomchis combine the lively charm of the Pomeranian with the boldness of a Chihuahua, creating a dog that’s both a joyous companion and a plucky little dynamo. Their vibrant personalities make them far more than just another small breed.

Let’s dive deeper into what makes the Pomchi such a unique and appealing choice for pet parents. From their characteristics to how best to care for them, understanding these vivacious little dogs will help you nurture a joyful and healthy relationship with a furry friend.

Pomchi Quick Breed Summary

Breed TypeMixed breed
Purpose Companion
Suitable ForAdults or families with older children; suited to apartment and city living
Height6 to 9 inches
Weight5 to 12 pounds
Life Span12 to 15 years
ColorBlack, brown, white, tan, multi-colored
TemperamentPlayful, protective, affectionate, alert, bold
Exercise NeedsMinimal
Shedding TendencyDepends on parent breeds


Origins of the Pomchi

The Pomeranian Chihuahua Mix is not a breed that emerged naturally over the centuries; rather, it is a product of deliberate crossbreeding between two well-known breeds: the Pomeranian and the Chihuahua. This hybrid, often classified among designer dogs, was developed to merge the best traits of both parent breeds into a compact companion dog with a vibrant personality and manageable size.

The Pomeranian Parentage

A Pomeranian Running in a Field

Pomeranians, originally larger sled dogs from the Arctic, were bred down to their current petite size in Pomerania, a region in modern-day Poland and Germany. Known for their fluffy coats and alert, spirited nature, Pomeranians became especially popular after Queen Victoria adopted a particularly small Pom in the late 1800s, further inspiring a trend toward smaller specimens. Their intelligence and loyalty make them beloved pets.

The Chihuahua Influence

A Chihuahua Dog Sitting Down

On the other side, we have the Chihuahua, a breed with roots deep in ancient Mesoamerican civilizations. The breed as we know it began to be formally recognized in the regions of Chihuahua, Mexico, from where it gets its name. Chihuahuas are known for their boldness and outsized personalities, traits they bring to the Pomchi mix. Despite their diminutive size, they are fiercely loyal and protective of their owners.

The Development of the Pomchi

The Chihuahua Pomeranian Mix was developed relatively recently, emerging in the late 20th century as part of a growing interest in creating new hybrid breeds that could suit specific lifestyles and living conditions. Breeders aimed to combine the Pomeranian’s playful and outgoing nature with the Chihuahua’s boldness and loyalty, hoping to create a small dog that fits well into a variety of family environments, including those with limited space. The resulting Pomchi has gained popularity for its manageable size, reduced shedding, and dynamic personality, making it a favored choice among dog lovers who desire a small, companionable pet with a strong character.

Physical Characteristics of a Pomchi


The Pomchi, a delightful crossbreed that captures hearts with its endearing looks and small stature, is as charming in appearance as it is in personality. As a keen observer and longtime student of dog behaviors and traits, I’ve found that understanding the physical characteristics of the Pomchi not only helps in appreciating their beauty but also in ensuring their health and happiness.

Size and Build

Pomchis are quintessentially small dogs, embodying the definition of a lapdog with their petite stature. Typically, they stand between 6 to 9 inches tall at the shoulder, making them perfectly sized for snug apartment living or for being a constant travel companion. Despite their small size, they have a sturdy build that belies their delicate appearance. This robustness comes in handy, especially when they’re bounding around the park or playing with larger breeds.

When it comes to weight, Pomchis are lightweight, usually tipping the scales at about 5 to 12 pounds. Their weight makes them easy to scoop up for a cuddle, which they absolutely love. Potential owners need to monitor their Pomchi’s diet closely, as their small frames can easily tip into overweight if not managed with appropriate exercise and nutrition.

Coat Characteristics

One of the most delightful aspects of the Pomchi is their coat, which can vary widely due to the differing coat types of their parent breeds. They can have long, fluffy coats like a Pomeranian or shorter, sleek coats akin to a Chihuahua. Regardless of length, their fur is soft and often requires regular grooming to keep it looking its best and to prevent matting, especially in the longer-coated varieties.

Color Variations

The color palette of a Pomchi’s coat can range quite broadly, including black, white, brown, tan, and even multicolored or spotted patterns. This diverse color range makes each Pomchi unique in appearance. From personal experience, it’s always a little exciting to meet new Pomchi puppies because you’re never quite sure what beautiful combination of colors you might encounter.

Pomchi Temperament and Personality

Having spent considerable time with Pomchis, I’ve always been struck by their blend of zest and zestiness. They inherit the Pomeranian’s bubbly enthusiasm and combine it with the Chihuahua’s audacious spirit. This mix results in a dog that’s both lively and surprisingly confident, despite their petite size.

Joyful and Playful Companions

Pomchis are true bundles of joy. Their playful nature makes them the life of any gathering, whether it’s a quiet evening at home or a visit to the local park. They thrive on interaction and love to engage in games and playful antics. Their capacity for affection is vast, and they form deep bonds with their families, often shadowing their favorite person from room to room.

Protective and Alert

Despite their small stature, Pomchis carry a big bark and an even bigger heart when it comes to guarding their loved ones. They often exhibit a protective streak, inherited from their Chihuahua side, that makes them excellent watchdogs. They’re quick to alert their families to anything amiss, using their sharp bark to notify of any unusual happenings around the home.

Bold yet Affectionate

Pomchis may be small, but they don’t shy away from making their presence known. They are bold and sometimes bossy, a trait that they manage to wear quite charmingly. This confidence, paired with their profound loyalty, makes them particularly endearing pets. They seek affection as much as they stand their ground, a dual nature that adds to their unique charm.

How to Care for a Pomeranian Chihuahua Mix


Like other Chihuahua mix dogs, taking care of a Pomchi requires a proactive approach. It does not only require time and effort but even budget.


Proper nutrition is essential for your Pomchi’s health and happiness. Here’s a detailed guide on how to effectively manage their diet:

  • Meal Frequency: Serving two small meals per day is ideal for Pomchis. This schedule helps prevent hypoglycemia, a common issue in small breeds, ensuring their energy levels remain steady throughout the day.
  • Caloric Intake: A typical Pomchi requires about 40 calories per pound of body weight each day. For instance, a 10-pound Pomchi would need approximately 400 calories daily. This includes all treats and snacks.
  • Type of Food: Choose a high-quality dry kibble specifically formulated for small, energetic breeds. The kibble should be small to fit their tiny mouths and easy to digest.
  • Avoid Overfeeding: It’s easy for small dogs like Pomchis to gain weight quickly, so it’s crucial to monitor their food intake. Treats should make up less than 10% of their daily caloric intake and should be used strategically during training sessions.

Keeping a close eye on your Pomchi’s diet and making adjustments as needed is key. Regular check-ups with your vet will also help maintain optimal health and catch any dietary needs as they change.


Regular grooming is not just about keeping your Chihuahua Pomeranian Mix looking good—it’s crucial for their overall health:

  • Coat Care: Brush your Pomchi’s coat several times a week, and daily if they inherit the longer Pomeranian coat, to prevent tangles and matting. This also helps to distribute natural skin oils, promoting a healthier coat.
  • Bathing: Wash your Pomchi monthly, or as needed, using a shampoo formulated for dogs to preserve the natural oils in their skin and prevent drying out.
  • Nail Trimming: Regularly trim their nails, ideally monthly, to avoid overgrowth which can lead to pain and walking difficulties.
  • Ear and Teeth Cleaning: Clean their ears weekly to avoid buildup that can lead to infections, and brush their teeth several times a week. Dental health is crucial, as poor dental hygiene can lead to significant health issues in dogs.

Establishing and maintaining a grooming routine helps your Pomchi feel comfortable and secure, and it can significantly prevent potential health problems.

Exercise and Mental Stimulation

Pomchis are lively and intelligent dogs that need both physical activity and mental stimulation to stay healthy:

  • Daily Exercise: Aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day, which can be split into two sessions. This can include walks and moderate play sessions, which are essential for keeping your Pomchi fit.
  • Types of Exercise: Include a variety of activities such as walks, light jogs, and playful games like fetch. Agility training can also be a fun and rewarding way to exercise both their body and mind.
  • Mental Stimulation: Challenge their minds with puzzle toys, training sessions, and games like hide-and-seek. Teaching new tricks or commands also keeps their brain engaged and helps strengthen your bond.

Pomchi breed’s independent nature, which craves attention, throws up some things to be mindful of when caring for this loving little dog.

Training a Pomchi

Patience, consistency, and a positive approach are crucial for training this breed. As someone who has dedicated much of their life to understanding dog behavior, I’ve found that these spirited little dogs respond best to training that is both engaging and rewarding.

Establishing Basic Obedience

Starting with basic commands such as “sit,” “stay,” “come,” and “down” is essential. Pomchis, with their intelligent and sometimes stubborn streak, require gentle but firm guidance. It’s important to:

  • Use Positive Reinforcement: Always use treats, praise, or play as rewards. Pomchis are particularly responsive to positive reinforcement due to their desire to please and their sensitivity to tone of voice.
  • Keep Sessions Short and Sweet: Due to their small size and energetic nature, Pomchis have relatively short attention spans. Training sessions should last no more than 10-15 minutes to keep them focused and engaged.

In my experience, starting training early is key. Even as puppies, Pomchis can learn basic commands, and this early foundation makes future training sessions much easier.

Socialization and Behavioral Training

Socialization is another critical component of training for Pomchis. They need to be comfortable with a variety of people, environments, and other animals to develop into well-adjusted adults. Here’s how to approach it:

  • Introduce New Experiences Gradually: Take your Pomchi to different places, expose them to various sounds, and meet different types of people and animals. This broadens their comfort zone and reduces fear or aggression.
  • Attend Puppy Classes: Group classes are great for socialization. They also teach your Pomchi how to behave around other dogs and people in a controlled setting, which can help mitigate their sometimes-territorial nature.

As a proponent of lifelong learning for dogs, I’ve seen how consistent socialization training greatly benefits Pomchis, making them more adaptable and confident in various situations.

Advanced Training and Tricks

Once your Pomchi masters basic obedience and socialization, you can move on to more advanced training and tricks. This not only keeps their mind sharp but also strengthens the bond between the dog and owner. Consider the following:

  • Teach Fun Tricks: Pomchis can learn a variety of tricks like spinning, paw shaking, or playing dead. These activities are not just fun but also mentally stimulating for your dog.
  • Agility Training: Although small, Pomchis can excel in agility training which involves courses that include running, jumping, and tunneling. This type of training is excellent for their physical and mental health.

Common Health Problems Among Pomchis

Pomchis are delightful and charismatic, but they come with their own set of breed-specific health issues. Both potential and current owners need to be aware of these concerns. These lovable hybrids inherit many positive traits from their Pomeranian and Chihuahua lineage. However, they also inherit certain genetic predispositions to health problems.

Dental Issues

Pomchis often inherit the dental challenges associated with small breeds, including overcrowded teeth that can lead to significant plaque buildup, gum disease, and tooth decay. These issues are exacerbated by their small jaws, which leave little space between teeth, making dental hygiene especially critical.

  • Regular Dental Check-ups: Schedule annual dental check-ups with your vet to monitor oral health and address any issues early.
  • Daily Brushing: Use dog-specific toothpaste and brush their teeth daily to prevent tartar accumulation and maintain gum health.
  • Dental Treats: Include dental treats in their diet that are designed to help clean teeth mechanically as they chew.
  • Chew Toys: Provide durable chew toys that help massage the gums and clean the teeth naturally as your Pomchi plays.


Hypoglycemia in Pomchis involves dangerously low blood sugar levels, which is a common problem in many toy and small-breed dogs. This condition can lead to severe symptoms such as weakness, seizures, fainting, and even coma if not addressed promptly. Maintaining a consistent feeding schedule is crucial to prevent these episodes.

  • Regular Feeding Schedule: Feed your Pomchi small, frequent meals to keep blood sugar levels stable.
  • High-Quality Diet: Ensure their food is rich in proteins and complex carbohydrates to provide sustained energy.
  • Monitor Signs: Keep an eye out for early signs of hypoglycemia, including shaking, excessive lethargy, and confusion.
  • Emergency Snack: Always have a quick source of glucose, like honey or corn syrup, ready to administer in case of a hypoglycemic episode.

Patellar Luxation

Patellar luxation is a genetic condition prevalent in small breeds like the Pomchi, where the kneecap slips out of place, causing pain, limping, and long-term joint problems. This condition can vary in severity and may require surgical intervention in severe cases.

  • Weight Management: Maintain a healthy weight to minimize stress on your Pomchi’s joints and prevent complications.
  • Regular Vet Check-ups: Routine examinations can help detect early signs of joint issues so that they can be managed effectively.
  • Controlled Exercise: Encourage gentle exercises that strengthen the muscles around the knee without exerting undue stress.
  • Orthopedic Beds: Invest in an orthopedic dog bed that provides proper support for their joints, especially important for dogs with joint issues.

Tracheal Collapse

Tracheal collapse involves the weakening of the tracheal rings in the windpipe, leading to a narrowing of the tracheal lumen and resultant breathing difficulties. Symptoms can include a honking cough, wheezing, and distress during exercise or excitement. This condition is chronic and management is focused on alleviating symptoms.

  • Harness Instead of Collar: Use a harness for walks to avoid putting pressure on the throat, which can exacerbate the condition.
  • Manage Weight: Keep your Pomchi slim to reduce the respiratory strain.
  • Avoid Smoke and Pollutants: Create a clean, smoke-free living environment to help ease breathing.
  • Regular Veterinary Monitoring: Regular vet visits are crucial to manage this progressive condition and adjust treatments as needed.

Understanding the Costs of Owning a Pomchi

Like any pet, owning a Pomeranian Chihuahua Mix involves various financial commitments. These costs can range from initial expenses like purchasing and setting up your new pet to ongoing costs like food, grooming, and healthcare. It’s important to consider these expenses to ensure that you can provide a stable and loving environment for your Pomchi throughout their life.

Initial Costs

The initial costs of owning a Pomchi include the purchase price, which can vary widely depending on the breeder’s reputation and the puppy’s lineage. Here are some typical initial expenses:

  • Purchase Price: Expect to pay anywhere from $500 to $1,500 for a Pomchi puppy from a reputable breeder.
  • Initial Vet Visits: Your new puppy will need vaccinations, a general health check, and potentially microchipping and spaying/neutering. This can cost an additional $100 to $300.
  • Supplies: Basic supplies include a crate, bedding, bowls, toys, and grooming tools. Setting up your Pomchi’s new home can cost around $200 to $500.

Ongoing Costs

Once you’ve welcomed your Pomchi into your home, you’ll need to budget for ongoing expenses:

  • Food: High-quality dog food specifically formulated for small breeds costs about $20 to $40 per month.
  • Grooming: Regular grooming sessions, if not done at home, can cost around $30 to $60 per visit, and you might need to visit a groomer every 4 to 6 weeks.
  • Veterinary Care: Annual vet check-ups are crucial and can cost $100 to $300, depending on your location and the services provided. This does not include unexpected illnesses or emergencies, which can significantly increase costs.
  • Pet Insurance: Optional but recommended, pet insurance can help manage health expenses and costs around $20 to $40 per month.

Long-Term Financial Planning

Owning a dog is a long-term commitment, and it’s wise to consider setting aside a fund for emergency veterinary costs or unexpected issues:

  • Emergency Fund: It’s a good idea to have a savings fund specifically for your pet’s unexpected health issues or emergencies.
  • Routine Savings: Setting aside a small amount each month can help buffer the regular costs of food, grooming, and annual vet visits.

FAQs: More About the Pomchi

What is the typical lifespan of a Pomchi?

Pomchis typically enjoy a lifespan of around 12 to 15 years. Like all breeds, their longevity can be influenced by their health, diet, and the quality of care they receive. Regular veterinary check-ups and a healthy lifestyle are crucial for ensuring your Pomchi lives a full and happy life.

How much do Pomchis bark?

Pomchis are known to be quite vocal, which can be attributed to their Chihuahua heritage. They often bark to alert their owners of strangers or unusual occurrences. Training from an early age can help manage excessive barking, making them more adaptable to various environments.

Do Pomchis shed a lot?

The amount of shedding for a Pomchi can vary depending on which parent breed’s coat traits they inherit. Pomchis with a Pomeranian-like coat tend to shed moderately, especially seasonally. Regular grooming can help manage shedding and keep their coat healthy.

Are Pomchis good with children?

Pomchis can be good with children, especially if they are raised together or the children are taught how to interact with small dogs respectfully. Due to their small size and sometimes feisty nature, supervision is recommended during interactions to ensure both the children and the dog feel safe and comfortable.

Can Pomchis live in apartments?

Yes, Pomchis are well-suited for apartment living due to their small size and moderate exercise needs. They do require daily physical and mental stimulation to remain healthy and happy, but this can be achieved with regular walks and indoor play. Proper training is also essential to help them adapt to living in close proximity to neighbors and other pets.

So, Is the Pomchi Right for You?

The Pomchi, a delightful mix of Pomeranian and Chihuahua, is a breed that combines the fierce loyalty and spirited personality of its parent breeds into a small, loveable package. They are adaptable and can thrive in various living situations, bringing joy and vibrancy to their families. Understanding the unique traits and needs of a Pomchi is key to determining whether this charismatic and engaging breed will fit well into your life and home.

Pomchis Are For

  • Active Singles and Families: Pomchis thrive in environments where they receive lots of attention and interaction. They are ideal for individuals or families who are active and can integrate a small dog into many aspects of their daily life.
  • Apartment Dwellers: Their small size makes them excellent companions for apartment living. They don’t require a yard and can get sufficient exercise through daily walks and indoor play.
  • First-Time Pet Owners: Pomchis can be a great choice for first-time pet owners because they are relatively easy to care for, despite their need for regular grooming and socialization.
  • Those Looking for a Loyal Companion: Pomchis develop strong bonds with their owners. They are affectionate and protective, making them wonderful companions for those who spend a lot of time at home.

Pomchis Are NOT For

  • Households with Very Young Children: While Pomchis can be good with children, their small size and sometimes delicate health make them less suitable for homes with very young or energetic children who may accidentally harm them.
  • The Absentee Owner: Pomchis do not do well when left alone for long periods. They can develop separation anxiety, which can manifest in destructive behavior and excessive barking.
  • Those Seeking a Low-Maintenance Pet: Although they are small, Pomchis require consistent grooming, training, and attention. Their health needs, including susceptibility to dental issues and hypoglycemia, also demand vigilant care.
  • Quiet-Environment Seekers: Given their tendency to bark and be vocal, Pomchis might not be the best fit for those who need a quiet environment or live in noise-restricted housing.

Other Pomeranian and Chihuahua Mixes

If you’re interested in learning about other Pomeranian mixes or Chihuahua mixes, check out the hybrid dog breeds below.

Pomeranian Mixes

Chihuahua Mixes

About John Woods 299 Articles
John Woods is the founder of All Things Dogs, member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers, graduate in Animal Behavior & Welfare and recognized author by the Dog Writers Association of America.


  1. I have a 9 week old Pomchi, I got her 3 weeks ago. She is a pure delight. Playful, smart and learning obedience, she understands what I say most of the time, but the lunging at the face I’m working on and the biting or chewing of my hands and flesh.in time I’m sure it will pass. She is bred from an AKC Applehead purebred and Pomeranian. Very cute, her markings are like that of a German Shepard and color, with a slight soft red, mostly cream though.

  2. I’ve got a little male that I was told mom was a Chihuahua and they believe dad was a Pom. He looks like a white artic fox. His issues are when I come home from work, he is in his crate and he starts screaming. As you go to pick him up, and he gets excited, he pee’s all over you. He also likes to do alot of mouthing on your hands or chasing and biting other dogs. Any suggestions on curbing these problems?

    • Hi Lou,

      Thanks for your question.

      It sounds like there are a few separate issues here. So let’s focus on one at a time.

      Do you have your own yard, or do you have to take him out on a lead to go potty? When you return from work, if you have your own yard, it may be worth opening your back door and calmly opening his crate door to let him out to go potty. Only interact with him when he’s actually toileted.

      You are keeping the initial interaction calm and giving him the opportunity to empty his bladder before he loses control in the excitement.

      Regarding the mouthing issue – providing the veterinarian has cleared him of any medical condition that could be causing it, you need to remove your attention the moment he starts to mouth. Distract him with a chew or toy if necessary.

      Stay calm, he doesn’t need a reaction. You are reducing the impact of the unwanted behavior and instead showing him the wanted behavior. If he likes to play and chase it could be worth investing in a flirt pole!

      With the other dogs, this isn’t great social behavior.

      Some dogs like to chase when they play and this is fine – the issue is when it becomes aggressive (hackles up, tense bodies, snarling and lunging etc). Keep him on a leash when out walking. Be around dogs, but at a distance, you are re-teaching him how to behave around other dogs. When he is at a distance, reward him when he shows little interest in other dogs. Slowly, decrease the distance between him and the other dogs. As you get closer, you still want the same reaction (indifference), reward this response.

      When you feel confident being closer to other dogs, again reward positive interactions. The moment there is an inappropriate interaction, remove your dog from the situation. If you are concerned about your dog’s behavior, please seek the advice of a qualified behaviorist.

  3. I might be getting a Pomchi (she’s 16 months). I don’t know how she’ll act around my 14 month old jack-chi and my five year old sister. The owner says that it’s good around dogs and children but I don’t really know.

    • Hi Ben,

      If you are deciding to adopt this dog, then a good idea would be to introduce your Jack-Chi to the dog in a neutral place. You can then see how they get along together. You could also take the dog on a short walk meeting lots of different types of people to see how she behaves with children.

  4. I’m about to adopt a 4 year old pomchi. I’m concerned about barking as I live in an apartment and worry if the dog barks when left alone for a couple of hours. The current owner says they’ve rescued another puppy. The 4 year old isn’t getting attention. We’ve arranged to meet for me to take ownership of the dog. This concerns me without knowing much about the dogs current environment. Please let me know your thoughts.

    • Hi Anne,

      We understand your concern. During the meet, try to find out as much information as possible, but be mindful that you may not get the whole truth. Ask questions about how they socialize with other dogs, people, children and small animals. These dogs can be quite stubborn and independent, so ask about any training they have carried out and which methods they have used.

      Pomchis can be protective so there is a risk of barking, but you can always teach the “quiet,” command to your pup to help keep the noise down. This applies to any unwanted behaviour that your new companion may display, teach them an alternative and wanted behavior.

      Take things slowly when you first bring him home, his whole world has just changed, he may be unsettled, stressed and anxious. Equally, he could just be happy for the new attention.

      If you have any queries about any behavior, please feel free to ask further questions.

  5. Hello! We recently got a Pomchi. She is very active and adorable, she’s 10 weeks old. Our concern is her biting and it escalates to a very aggressive stage and she won’t stop.

    • We have a 12 week old male poncho who hates the harness and leash will not move or walk bites my hands when I try to put it on again,had him professional fitted but he just freeze an’t suggestion.

  6. We recently got a Pomchi. She’s adorable and awesome! She’s very loving and followes me everywhere. She’s the cutest dog I have ever seen in my life. We have a tween and he is too rough with her. She lets him know when it’s time to leave her alone.

  7. I love my Ziggy! He is 6 years old…sweet, energetic, and sassy. He is my running partner for up to 3 miles! He is good at the dog park with all of his doggie friends…big and small. I adopted a 4/5 year old female Chihuahua (now about the same age, maybe a little older), and he established the alpha male role. He annoys her, but generally he is protective of her and appreciate each other’s company. I am getting a Golden Retriever puppy soon, and hopefully they will become fast friends.

  8. Hi, I’m planing on getting a Pom-chi, but I haven’t been able to find anywhere what the puppy span of Pom-chi is; the age until they mentally mature for how long they will “act” like a puppy?

    • Most puppies are psychologically puppies until they are around 5-6 months old. They then enter adolescence! Most owners will say this is worse than puppyhood! Adolescent dogs are hard work, they are as much work as puppies but in different ways. Whilst you may not have the worry of toilet training, you still need to watch their every move for other reasons. Adolescent dogs want freedom, much like human adolescents, but as their owner we are often reluctant to give it. But it is possible, if we control it. Adolescence is when puppy behaviors start to become problematic. Their chewing didn’t cause much damage when they were small; but now they have a more powerful jaw, the sofa is destroyed! It’s here that owners need to establish what is acceptable behavior as an adult dog and ask for it! Physically, small breeds aren’t deemed fully mature until at least 12 months. How your dog matures psychologically largely depends on their environment, training and socialization.

    • I have a 9 mouth old pomchi who is going to be 10 in a week, I have had him since he was 3 months. He is honestly one of the best puppies I have had, he’s has some accidents – but really he was a baby still is but he loves another dogs. He loves people he loves walks, he has sassy loving personality and he’s amazing dog. He different, but I’m glad this little thing walked into my life and stole everyone in life hearts ❤️

  9. My pomchi is 7 years old. When we got her from my deceased sister in law she was pure white. In the last year she has lost hair around her neck with color change to her legs, tail and front to a pinkish brown. What should we do?

    • Quite often, you’ll notice this with white dogs. Is she licking the areas excessively? This usually causes discolouration. You then need to figure out why she is licking the area. It could be pain or stress related. It could also be indicative of an intolerance (food or environmental). Could you provide some more information?

      How did she cope with losing your sister in law? Is she showing any stress behavior? What is her diet like? If you are unsure whether any of this applies, please pop to see your Veterinarian for a chat.

  10. Thanks for the reply, some licking on the paws but her tail has changed color also. We are seeing a Vet in 2 days. She has adjusted well int he last year. My wife and her sister look alike.

  11. Hi John, very nice article ☺
    I recently got a 12 weeks old black Pomchi girl who is pure joy and who looks very much like my little German spitzdog Charly who died three months ago after 16 delightful years. When I started looking for a puppy I remembered that 15 years ago Charly had fathered 5 gorgeous puppies with a longhaired Chihuahua lady whom he had met on one of our daily walks.

  12. We got our 12 year old son a pup for Christmas and we absolutely adore this baby! We couldn’t have asked for a sweeter pet than him! He is extremely affectionate, loving and so cute and fun!! He definitely loves to be with us at all times so I only recommend this mixed breed to folks that have tons of time to spend with them and lots of love to give them, too! They are a small dog that requires extra care, too, and definitely need to be protected from harm from other dogs and small children.

  13. I have a 4-year-old female from a 4 lb. She is black with white toes & chest blaze, smooth hair with a fine under coat, “feathers” at the back of her hind legs, tiny face & feet & medium length tail hair. She resembles a small Schipperke. She is very well behaved but her timid Chihuahua side occasionally comes out. She was the runt of the litter & weighed 7 lbs. at 1 year. She is now a very solid, energetic 18 lbs! My little girl takes a 3 mile walk with me daily & is not fat. I wouldn’t trade her for the world!

  14. We just adopted an 8 week old pup, told he is a pomchi, which I can see when I look at him. He is cream/white but I believe his coat will change with age just as some poms do. He has light fawn colors around his face , a grey nose and some greyish color patches on his back. They are all light in color but I believe may darken with maturity. I’ve never had a small pupper before but he is currently 2.8lbs of adorable fun. He has typical puppy behaviours we are working with him on but he seems to be a quick learner.

  15. Hi! I have a Pomchi. She is 3 months old. In the last few days I have notices one of the back legs clicks, like someone cracking their knuckles. is that normal? I hear this sound every time she stretches but she doesn’t look like she is in pain. She is definitely picky eater and likes to bite, feet and hands.. still working on her potty training. But beside all this she is so beautiful and we love her so much, she has so much energy.

    • Hi Ana, this is common in small breeds is a condition called luxating patella, where the kneecap doesn’t sit quite right. It’s usually painless, but sometimes surgery is an option. We would advise you seek the advice of your Veterinarian just to double check what’s going on. There can be other reasons for crepitus, so it’s best to double check what you are dealing with.

      • Thank you. Took your advice and had her checked by the vet. Is called OCD” may grow out of it and wont bother her, but if she starts limping she will go for surgery, apparently a lot of dogs have it, she was born that way, but is more noticeable now that she is growing. My only battle at the moment besides that is that she is picky eater, just wondering what dry foods are people feeding their Pomchi’s? My Pomchi is only 4 months old.

  16. I recently adopted a two year old Pomchi who was rescued. He was worried at first but responded immediately to gentle encouraging words. He is now totally devoted to me and will not leave my side. Yes he barks at strange sounds and people but doesn’t every dog? If it gets too much, one very stern warning is used and if he carries on I walk out of the room. He stops immediately, being rewarded with massive praise and love and “good boy” his favorite words! This baby is so eager to please, trains easily and is gaining back his confidence which is so lovely to see. He is now one happy little dog with a very happy owner!

  17. I have a pom chi I got as a puppy and is now 5 yrs old.His name is rusty because of his hair color and he is the most loving dog I’ve ever had,if you look up lapdog in the dictionary you will see rusty. The only problem I’ve had with him are skin allergies and he never wears a collar because I worry about his treachia even though I haven’t had a problem yet.He is the love of my life

  18. I have a 5 yr old pom chi named Rusty,because he is red with cream chest and feet.He is the most lovable dog I’ve ever had,he is a true lap dog that loves everybody and other animals.Never been around children so I Don’t know what he’d do.He’s had some dental issues and allergies at certain times of the year, but mostly he’s a healthy boy.I highly reccomend this loving,loyal little dog.He is family !

  19. I have adopted a 5 year old pomchi who was pulled from a high kill shelter in Mississippi & brought to N.J. as part of a bonded pair, Her mate/buddy died during surgery. She was very shutdown at the foster & we agreed to adopt her. She is also being treated for heartworm so I’m limiting her activity somewhat. I have 2- 14 y/o dogs; a female pointer & a male Jack Russell Terrier. All are neutered/chipped. She likes the JRT & he is tolerant of her;the pointer play bows to her. We have only had her 3 weeks and I’m aware it can take 6 mos or so for them to adjust & feel part of the family. We are keeping her sequestered in the bedroom and let the JRT in with her when they are supervised. She is not interested in treats or toys so far. She is eating,drinking & well housebroken. Is there anything we can do to make her more comfortable? She is sweet, silly sometimes and we love her.any suggestions would be appreciated. I feel her original owner loved her & trained her well and don’t know the backstory of how the pair ended up in a high kill shelter

  20. My pomchi is a rescue, he has been mine for 9 years,and love him. now he is having coughing spells that last for hours. I take him to his Vet and have had to give him(dog)a drop of meds to clam him, however this puts him to sleep and seizure will soon follow. He has an enlarged heart and is on meds for it. I also give him 1/4 pill of Benadrill. He is the smallest dog at the rural vets, so I would like to know what I can do for my little buddy. And is this common?

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